Page 28 of Loco
“You’ve lost your fucking mind.” I scowled. “Besides, I have a reputation to protect.”
“Yup, being the top man-whore is something to be proud of.”
I met his disapproving look.
“And fucking proud of it,” I responded, getting an even bigger scowl. “What’s that look for?”
“I watched you walk in with her. Why’d you even bring her here?”
I shrugged. I’d been asking myself that same question since I’d walked away from her. “Thought it was a good idea at the time.”
“Didn’t even know you knew girls like her,” Happy commented beneath his breath. “You fucked her?”
I raised a brow and gave him a look that said, “what do you think?”
He scoffed and shook his head with disgust. “You’re an asshole, Brother. You don’t mess around with good girls. They get the wrong ideas.” His look was glaring. “They get hurt.”
He wasn’t telling me anything I didn’t already know. I knew I should feel ashamed for fucking Millie, knowing what kind of man I was. But I wasn’t. She was a sweet girl with an even sweeter pussy. Nice and tight. Fuck, I was getting hard now recalling what it felt like to be buried balls deep inside her. To have her screaming my name.
Shit. Happy was right. Bringing her here had been a mistake, even though I’d already made myself clear to her so that she shouldn’t be surprised by how I treated her. But I didn’t have to make it worse by keeping in contact. One good fuck, and I should have made that enough. Should have left her alone after that.
Only I was an asshole and weak when it came to pussy, and Millie’s was prime.
Glancing over at her now, it didn’t appear that my actions had affected her all that much. She and Doc were getting along good. Hell, maybeshewas the one for him. But even from where I was sitting, I could tell from his movements and his expression that his interest didn’t go beyond friendship. Doc liked pussy like the rest of us, but he kept it to the club whores, where it was easy, free, and plenty of it. No, Doc wasn’t looking for anyone.
“Can’t take your eyes off her, brother.”
Happy’s observation made me look back over at him.
“That’s telling in itself.”
“Fuck you,” I snarled, because I knew he was right. I got out of my seat. “What makes you think it isn’t Doc I can’t take my eyes off?”
His laughter followed me as I made my way over to Millie. Rylie, who was conversating with her and Doc, saw me coming. He must have said something to them, because Millie turned and I fell deep into those dynamic green eyes of hers. Fuck, I didn’t need this. Didn’t need the attraction that was messing with my head and causing me to do stupid shit. I didn’t want to hurt her, but my dick didn’t seem to care.
“Hey, if it isn’t lover boy,” Doc joked, grinning.
I gave him a scowl and my finger because a couple of my brothers had taken to calling me that, and I didn’t like it. It made me sound like some college frat pussy who wined and dined his potential conquest before making love to her. I would never be that man.
“You looking for a fight, Brother?” I growled.
He laughed. “I’m a lover not a fighter,” he said. “And you know I can’t mess up my hands.” He gave Millie a wink, and the smile that it brought to her face pissed me the fuck off.
He was joking. Doc was a doctor, but I’d seen him in action. He was tall and lean, but with enough muscle to make him an equal in most fights. He was a force to be reckoned with when the need arose. The club came first, his practice second. He’d passed that particular test more than once.
I pinned my signature glare on him, the one that usually sent a brother running the other way. I was usually easygoing, but I was also known for going bat shit crazy in a second when something set me off. Doc met my glare, the humor in his eyes revealing that my unspoken threat didn’t bother him. Rylie’s chuckle made me swing my head in his direction. His smile instantly evaporated, and he moved further down the bar. Smart prospect.
I met Millie’s watchful eyes. “You ready to go home?”
“I can always give her a ride,” Doc chimed in.
Not going to happen. I knew that Doc got my silent message when he acknowledged the look in my eyes with a barely-there nod. “I brought her here, I’ll take her back.”
“Why don’t you ask what I want,” Millie spoke up, drawing my attention back to her. “Maybe I want to take an Uber home.”
“Ubers don’t come out this far,” I lied. Raven had called for an Uber once, right after she’d been brought here by Cole. Guilt about bringing trouble to the club had caused her to run. “We need to talk.”
She huffed, but the smile didn’t leave her face. “We have nothing to talk about, Loco. I’m not stupid. I can read the signs. You were sorry that you brought me here almost from the minute we stepped through the door. Your actions proved that.”