Page 32 of Loco
I noticed her stealing glimpses of Bull. I couldn’t blame her. His hair was done up in a kind of sloppy man bun, and I could tell that he’d trimmed his beard. He looked like a big, cuddly teddy bear, but I was sure that V had a different take on his sexiness.
Jolene responded, drawing my interest back to our group. “In a few weeks. You should come.”
“Yes! Please do!” Annabelle’s excited tone caused several heads to turn our way from surrounding tables. “I’m inviting all of you! It’s going to be at my brother’s clubhouse.”
A wistful sigh escaped me, which went unnoticed due to all the noise in the room. I was going to get married once, but that seemed like a hundred years ago now. I’d been head over heels in love with my high school sweetheart, and he’d loved me, too. And then one night his drunken father had ruined everything, stealing my virginity from Toby. Toby hadn’t blamed me for what happened, but after that night things had changed between us. He couldn’t bring himself to touch me, saying that it was just too weird.
Not long after that we’d gone our separate ways. It didn’t hurt as much now as it had back then. I’d certainly survived other traumatic experiences that had been far worse. Killing a man was at the top of the list. But if I hadn’t killed him, it would have been me.
As the table grew quiet, I forced myself back in the present. Everyone was looking at me expectantly. “I’d love to go, thank you.” I wished I could take the words back the second they left my mouth when I realized that Annabelle was talking about the clubhouse in the desert. The one Loco had taken me to and I’d sworn never to go back to.
V chimed in next, “Count me in, too. That’s sweet of you to invite us.”
“Okay, ladies, are we going to dance or just sit here and drink all night?” Lulu was already scooting out of the booth.
“I’m ready to get my groove on.” V nudged Lissa to let her know that she wanted out of the booth. She and Lulu moved out onto the floor and began to dance together.
“What about you, Millie?”
“The dance floor is pretty crowded,” I noted, taking in the clinging, sweaty bodies. “Looks like one giant orgy going on,” I joked, meeting Jolene’s smiling eyes. She turned back to the crowd, her smile growing even wider. I followed her line of sight to see her big, handsome biker motioning her over with the crook of his finger.
She didn’t hesitate. I wouldn’t have either if someone looked at me like he was looking at her. Jolene was as beautiful as LD was rugged and beastly looking, and yet they made a beautiful couple. They were both tall and fit together like the pieces of a puzzle, even with Jolene’s huge stomach between them.
I was busy scanning the room and didn’t notice Doc approaching me until he stopped directly in front of me, blocking my view. My eyes traveled up his impressive stature to meet his friendly eyes.
“What’s a pretty lady doing sitting over here all by herself?”
“My breathtaking beauty intimidates most men,” I joked, smiling.
He laughed and offered me his hand. “Their loss. Dance with me?
I took a deep breath and slipped my hand into his. “I’d love to.” As Doc pulled me into his arms, my eyes caught sight of V and Bull dancing together. It didn’t surprise me. I had a feeling they were going to become much more than casual friends.
I let Doc draw me against his body, wishing deep down that I felt at least a tiny spark in his arms. But then the reason why I felt that way stepped into the bar.
Loco. Damn.
And he wasn’t alone.
Chapter 15
Damn!Of all the fucking luck. I’d run into Leslie in the parking lot, and she was dressed to get laid. I hadn’t seen her sitting in her car when I’d walked by, but she’d jumped out when she spotted me and ran to catch up just as I reached the door.
I opened the door and she scooted in front of me, giving me a lusty look that promised to rock my world. My eyes went straight to her tits, which were pushed up and nearly spilling over the top of her dress. As if sensing my interest, she thrust those babies out further, her smile glowing with something close to victory. They were nice, make no mistake about it, but Millie’s were nicer. Shit. Fuck. I didn’t need to think about that sexy vixen. I shook my head and followed Leslie’s cloud of strong perfume into Grinders.
“Buy you a drink?”
Before I knew it Leslie had linked her arm through the crook of my elbow. I frowned down at her. Her desperation was showing again, and it made me wonder if her appearance at Grinders was really just a coincidence. Happy had had a stalker once. He’d thought it was cute in the beginning, but then shit started happening and things turned weird.
Leslie was a cute chick. Young, pretty, and stacked, just how I liked them. I knew that her long, blonde locks came out of a bottle, but that didn’t bother me. Made me wonder why women thought blondes had more fun though. The only thing I cared about was that a woman had enough hair to wrap around my hand when I was banging her from behind.
Like red, curly hair that felt like silk, warm like fire, and smelled of some kind of tropical paradise that I wanted to get lost in. Like the hottie with all the curves across the room. Damn, how I’d like to get my hands on that ass. Wished it was my chest those full tits were crushed against. I narrowed my gaze. Was that Doc? And who was he…shit!
It was at that precise moment that I realized my eyes were on Millie. Jesus! She looked like a fucking goddess in that sexy little dress that outlined every delectable curve. My dick got hard in an instant.