Page 35 of Loco
“So you don’t have a boyfriend?”
Lulu laughed and put her hand over mine. “Honey, you really are getting wasted. You already asked me that once tonight. Club whore, remember? They were all my boyfriends.”
I blinked. Okay. I vaguely remembered knowing that. “You shouldn’t call yourself a whore.” I yawned behind my hand and tried to focus my eyes.
She released a breath and reached for her glass. “It’s what I was.” I was surprised that there was no regret in her voice. “I like sex.”
I wondered if she’d been with Loco, but I didn’t have the guts to ask. “Did you sleep with all the men?”
“Yes. I was there to give them relief, keep them happy. And before you ask, yes, I had my favorites.”
I giggled and rested my chin on my hands, feeling myself sway slightly in my chair. “I wasn’t going to ask, but that’s a good question. Who were your favorites?”
She shook her head. “That’s a secret I’ll take to my grave.”
I blinked to keep my heavy eyes open.
“I think maybe we should get you home. It’s late. Did you drive?”
I had to think about it for a minute. “No. Lissa drove.” I yawned again, loudly. “I think she deserted me.”
“Yeah, I saw her take off with Frenchie earlier. Seems more of the guys are finding their old ladies these days and starting families. I’m happy for them.”
I nodded, unable to come up with a response. I was wasted, and now all I wanted to do was go home and go to bed. My alcohol-dazed, droopy eyes moved around the room, noticing, in spite of the slight blur, that it was still packed. It didn’t appear as if anyone was slowing down.
I looked back at Lulu, smiling. “I like Doc,” I said out of the blue. “But I like Loco more.”
“Loco?” Lulu snorted. “Honey, you’d do better to set your sights on Doc. He won’t hurt you.”
I frowned, misunderstanding her. “Loco would hurt me?”
She shook her head. “Not physically. But he’s left way too many broken hearts in his wake. I’ve known that man for as long as I’ve been with the Desert Rebels, and he’s stuck in the same routine where women are concerned. He fucks them and leaves them. Definitely isn’t looking for an old lady.”
I nodded as if I understood what she was saying when it was all I could do to keep my eyes open. “Damn, I think I drank too much.”
“You’re definitely going to feel it in the morning.” She moved to stand up. “Let me use the ladies’ room and then we’ll call an Uber to get us home. I’m ready to go, too.”
My eyes followed her as she walked away, and then I closed them, praying that when I opened them again that I was home in my bed. My head was spinning. Or was it the room that was spinning? I couldn’t remember ever drinking so much before. I didn’t think I was drunk, but I was undoubtedly feeling the effects of those tequila shots. Lulu was right. The morning was going to suck. At least I could sleep in.
“Hey, bitch. Remember me?”
I forced my eyes open but didn’t remove my chin from where it was resting on my hands. I glanced up, focusing my eyes and frowning when I recognized who it was. Holy shit, it was Russ, and he was with two other men. Even in my inebriated state I recognized the trouble that I could be in. He was not in a friendly mood if his scowl was any indication. His friends’ expressions seemed to mirror his. They looked like three bullies.
I sat up and back, glad that there was a table between us.
“Nothing to say now? You were a mouthy, fat bitch that day at my grandmother’s.” He leaned forward over the table, and I pushed back against the unyielding booth, my heart in my throat. “You’re gonna pay for interfering in my business.”
His two friends flanked him on either side as if he needed protection.
I scoffed, finally finding my words. “Intimidating your grandmother is your business?” I looked around the room for Lulu, seeing that she’d stopped to talk to someone on the way back to the table. Or had she never made it to the restroom? Thank God we were in a public place. I didn’t think Russ would try anything here, but I already knew that he was a hot head.
Russ slapped his hands down on the table in front of me, causing me to jump and his friends to laugh. I was certainly more sober than I had been a few minutes ago. The sharp adrenaline rush that I’d received from his sudden move toward me felt as if I’d got a shot in the arm of the stuff. “You’re good at intimidating women, aren’t you?” I seethed.
His expression darkened with his sneer. He remained in his threatening position over me but turned his head, first one way and then the other, as if he were searching the room for someone. Then he reached for my chin and wrapped his hand around it, squeezing hard. “I’m gonna have fun putting you in your place. And when I’m done with you, I’m going for your boyfriend.”
Boyfriend? I sucked in my breath at his threat and slapped his hand away. “Get away from me!” I said it loud enough for several bystanders to look our way.
Big talk for a little man,I thought, keeping my opinion to myself. He was obviously referring to Loco, and those two had issues that didn’t involve me. Loco had been there looking for Russ that day. The fact that I’d been at the house and that I knew Loco were only a coincidence. Had Loco said something to Russ to mislead him into thinking that we were together?