Page 52 of Loco
“You okay, lover boy?” I teased.
Doc grinned and Sax choked on his drink. More than one of his brothers snorted. Rylie and Body knew better than to participate in the mocking, though they fought back grins.
Loco tensed beneath me, and I wondered if I’d called him that one too many times. He didn’t like the nickname they’d given him, but after hearing stories about his whoring ways I’d say that he’d earned it. As the men fixed their eyes on us, amusement on each of their faces, Loco decided that he’d had enough.
“Oh, oh, you’re in trouble now,” someone said. Cole, maybe. Or maybe it was Oz?
I went flying off Loco’s lap when he suddenly got up. Laughing, I turned to face him, watching as he adjusted the hungry monster in his pants, not caring who saw. My brows arched and my heart jumped with anticipation. I recognized the lustful look on his handsome face. His eyes smoldered.
He walked toward me with purpose, not saying a word, and bent and put me in a fireman’s hold. I caught my breath, slightly surprised because he was the first man to ever pick me up, and I found that I liked it, even while hanging upside down. He’d made it seem so effortless, and what woman didn’t like being picked up and carried off by her man?
“Where are you taking me?” I laughed.
“My room.”
I thought about his reaction to my calling him lover boy. “Are you going to spank me?”
He wasn’t even huffing. His muscles obviously weren’t just for show. “Among other things. I owe you for all the eye rolls, too.”
I laughed harder, stupid-happy. “You think I’m cute when I roll my eyes.”
He huffed as he opened a door. Once inside his room he slammed the door shut with a kick of his foot, and then I was flying onto the middle of his bed. As I bounced, I was glad to see that the bed had been made, although what I might find under the covers was another matter. I didn’t want to think about it. I wasn’t naïve enough to think that he hadn’t had other women in his bed.
Something must have shown on my face.
Loco kept his eyes pinned on me as he locked his door. “Not going to lie to you, darlin’. You know what I am. I’ve had plenty of women in my bed. But notthatbed.” It was then I remembered that he’d said he’d replaced it. “None of them mattered, and that’s all in the past. You hear what I’m saying?”
He walked slowly toward me. I nodded. “I hear.” God, I hated those other women! But I knew that if I let it bother me it would come between us. We both had a past. “Is this why you had Body bring me here? You want to mark me in your territory?
He began to remove his clothes, a wolfish grin on his face. “Darlin’, I want to fuck you in all the places that matter to me, so that when you’re not around, your scent will be.”
I felt my heart swell over his words.
“Now, if you want to wear those clothes again, you’ve got two minutes to get them off.” He kicked off his boots and reached for his pants.
I didn’t realize that I’d been holding my breath until I registered the very real threat in his eyes. He would do it--rip off my clothes to get to me. I smirked. “If you’re going to spank me, maybe it’s best if I leave them on.”
He shook his head with a determined look on his face. “Oh no, baby. You don’t have a choice. And you’re going to like the feel of my hand on your naked ass. I’ll make sure of that.”
He’d reached the bed and was staring down at me in all his naked glory, his cock filled with blood and bobbing. I quickly yanked my tee off, and then my bra. In the process, one of the hooks snagged the rubber band that was holding my hair and broke it, sending the wild waves over my shoulders and down my back. Loco growled like a hungry, horny beast. He placed one knee onto the bed, and I knew I had to hurry.
I was looking forward to that spanking. Don’t ask me why. He’d said that I would like it, and I believed him. He tugged my shoes off and tossed them to the floor, placing another knee on the bed. It dipped slightly as he moved closer. I quickly undid my jeans and then wiggled out of them without leaving the bed, so wet and horny now. My nipples were already peaked and I saw his eyes drop to them.
What had I ever done to deserve this man? He turned me on with just a look. Took my breath away with his manliness. He’d ruined me for other men, and if this didn’t work out between us, I’d have to convert to Catholicism and become a nun, because no other man would satisfy me like he did.
I was losing my heart to a man-whore.
Would I ever be enough for him?
Chapter 24
I watched like a fucking hawk as Millie removed her clothes, exposing more of her luscious shape to me, so turned on that it was amazing that I wasn’t shooting my cum all over her. My dick was so fucking hard that I had to give it a couple of yanks. I knew that it wouldn’t take long for me to come once I was buried in her hot little cunt, which meant I’d need to think of other, just as enjoyable things to do to her to prolong the inevitable.
I was on the bed by the time she was naked, both of us breathing hard. I intended to smack her a on the ass a few times, but first I needed those lips. She caught her breath as I crawled up over her, making sure my dick was nestled against the apex of her thighs and tight against her pussy. She spread her legs to make room for me, and I grinned like a fox who was about to raid an unwatched hen house. I was going to make a meal of her.
Those plump lips parted and I swooped in, claiming her mouth as I sunk my body fully against hers. I couldn’t get enough of her, and the more we fucked, the more my obsession of her grew. And it was about more than just about the sex, which was out of this world good. I wanted to spend time with Millie, and that was a first for me.