Page 63 of Loco
Yes! Sweet Jesus, she was willing to discuss it. That had to be a good sign, right?
“Let’s eat.” Viola broke the silence by getting another plate from the cupboard and a set of silverware from the drawer.
Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.
And a good start.
Chapter 29
I couldn’t believe that Loco had shown up at V’s apartment, not after all the time that had gone by. I’d just about accepted that our short time together was over. Over before it had even truly begun. After I’d dumped all of those panties onto his bed that day, I’d returned to his clubhouse to apologize, realizing that my actions had been childish, and to talk it out. Never had I expected to walk in on him and one of the club women. He may as well have ripped out my heart and stomped on it, the pain had felt that bad, and I’d left with the realization of how much he’d come to mean to me in such a short span of time.
I didn’t want to get my hopes up about why he was here. The fact that he was surprised me. Loco wasn’t the kind of man who chased women. He had them at his beck and call. Yet here he was, his smoldering looks making me squirm in my seat. The hunger in his eyes caused my pulse to race, and my body flushed with uncomfortable heat. He knew what he was doing to me, and he seemed to be enjoying it.
“This shit is really good,” he complimented around a mouthful. His plate was almost empty.
V burst out in laughter. “Said in the eloquent way of a biker. Thank you.”
“What is it?”
His questions was almost as funny as his first comment and caused me to smile.
“Chinese pie.” She reached for the serving spoon. “Millie actually taught me how to make it. It’s seasoned hamburger and onions, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, and shredded cheese. You just kind of layer it in the baking dish.” She scooped a large serving onto his plate.
Loco acknowledged V with a nod. “Thanks.”
“So, Loco, what have you been up to?”
He paused from chewing and gave V a hard look.
“I don’t mean club business,” she laughed softly.
“That’s been about it. Other than getting the club ready for the wedding.”
“I bet you can’t wait for that to be over,” she acknowledged, picking up on his annoyance. “Weddings are stressful times.”
“You ain’t kidding. Demon and Bobbie’s got us doing all kinds of shit. Have to admit though, it’s come together pretty fucking nice.” He glanced across at me. “You ever going to talk to me again?”
Had he forgotten that I’d walked in on him with another woman? Did he think that he could just come here and we’d take up where we’d left off?
“I said hi.”
He snorted and reached for his drink.
“And I told you we’d talk back at my place.” God, I sounded like a bitch.
V cleared her throat. “Do either of you want any more salad?” She rose to her feet. Loco and I shook our heads. She reached for the bowl and stepped into the kitchen to take care of it.
If that was her idea of giving us privacy it failed big time because the kitchen was literally just steps away from the table where we were sitting. We exchanged an amused smile though while she was putting a lid on the salad bowl.
“You coming to the wedding?” Loco asked me.
I thought about it for a minute. Even though I had the dress, I still hadn’t made up my mind to go. But then I thought, why let what’s going on between him and me keep me from going? I’d made a lot of new friends hanging out with V and Lissa. Good people that I liked. Lulu and I had become close, too, since we shared the same interests. We’d hung out a couple of times.
“It’s a yes or no question, darlin’.”
God, the man was too sexy for his own good. Even his smirk got to me. I rolled my eyes. “Yes.”