Page 19 of Lulu
A teasing smile curved her lips upward. “I’ve had men look at me the way you’re looking at me right now,” she had the nerve to say.
“I don’t doubt it,” I fired back, heading over to the toaster when the muffins popped up. “I bet you liked it, too.” I put the muffins and omelets on two plates and opened a drawer for forks.
“I did like it in the beginning, when it made me feel pretty and special. I was too naïve to know that when a man looks at me like that that all he wants is to use me like a whore and then move on.”
She followed me to the table.
“When it became more of a signal that the men would use to let me know I was needed, I stopped thinking that it was because they liked me for anything other than a good fuck. I chose not to let it hurt me and became immune.”
I clenched my teeth and sat down, setting our plates on the table. Lulu sat across from me and my eyes dropped to her tits. I couldn’t help it. Her nipples were rock hard and calling to me to put my mouth on them. “If you’re immune, why are your nipples so fucking hard?”
She shrugged. “Cold from the shower.”
I laughed. “So if I were to reach between your legs, I wouldn’t find your pussy wet?” I took a bite of my muffin.
Her fork paused halfway to her mouth as she pinned a thoughtful look on me. “I can’t help how my body responds when a sexy man looks at me like he wants to fuck me. But I can control everything else. I don’t have to crawl up on your lap when you give me ’the look’, Brody. I don’t have to take out your cock and wrap my lips around it, or let you fuck me in the ass.” She paused long enough for effect. “Unless I want to. I have a choice now.”
“You always had a choice,” I growled, horny as fuck now thinking about those things she’d mentioned, things she doesn’t have to do unless she wants to.
Silence followed as we sat there staring at each other. Then Lulu slowly shook her head with a sadness in her eyes that nearly gutted me. “Yeah. I had a choice,” she all but whispered, her eyes focusing on something only she could see. “I chose to live.”
Fuck. What had happened to her? What had happened to make a sixteen-year-old girl turn to prostitution and then work as a club whore for an MC? As I watched Lulu blink back into the present, I accepted that that was a conversation for another day. We continued to eat the rest of our dinner in silence.
When I was done, I sat back, crossed my arms, and waited for her. Movement drew my eyes to Buttercup. She’d left her bed and was eating. I wondered if she were house trained. Guess I’d find out come morning.
“That was really good, thank you.”
Lulu pushed her empty plate aside and sat back in her chair. That had been a pretty big omelet. I was surprised that she’d eaten the whole thing. Not only tired, she’d been hungry, too. “Are you still hungry? I can make you another one.”
“No, no. I don’t like waste. If you make me another one, I’d eat that one too, and I’m full.”
I returned her smile and scooted my chair back, reaching for our plates. The next thing I heard was Lulu’s loud yawn. “We’ll talk in the living room. Why don’t you go make yourself comfortable while I get us a couple of beers.”
“And then you’ll take me home or I’ll call an Uber.” Her words faded away as she left the kitchen.
She was cute if she thought that was going to happen.
I’d just removed two beers from the fridge when a tiny whine drew my gaze to where Buttercup was standing by the garage door. That was encouraging, I thought. “Come on, girl, not that door,” I said as I pivoted to the glass door that led directly outside. Deciding to skip the leash, I stepped outside while she did her business. If she kept this up, I just might keep her, even if I’d have to find someone to take her when I went on a job.
As Buttercup sniffed around the yard my thoughts went back to the woman inside, wondering what I’d do if she said no to my proposition. My gut told me that she was interested in me just as much as I was into her, but Lulu was stubborn. And determined to be on her own. I could understand why she’d come to the conclusion that men only wanted one thing from her. Hell, I wanted the same thing.
Buttercup finished her business and came up to me, and we went back inside. I grabbed the beers and headed for the living room. When I rounded the corner, my eyes lit on Lulu. She was curled up at the corner of the couch and sound asleep. My eyes ran over her. Fuck, she was hot wearing nothing but my shirt. Her long hair was dry now and hanging over the arm of the sofa. Her shallow breathing made her tits rise and fall in a hypnotic rhythm that could easily put me to sleep.
It didn’t even occur to me to wake her. I’d planned for her to spend the night anyway. I sat down in my chair, turned the TV on low, and threw back both beers. When I was ready for bed, I picked Lulu up and took her in with me. I was afraid she’d wake up when I placed her on the bed, but she just moaned and moved into a comfortable position. I drew the covers up over her and then stripped down.
Not exactly how I’d envisioned the night ending, but at least I had her in my bed.
Chapter 8
I woke up slowly, my new norm since I’d left the Desert Rebels. I allowed myself the time to just lay there and let my body and mind become aware at their own pace, blinking until the sleep fog cleared from my eyes. I moved, stretching and moaning as I worked out the kinks of sleeping so long in one position. I was sure I’d moved at some point during the night, but it seemed that I’d fallen asleep and woken up in the same position, slightly curled on my side.
As if I were used to being spooned.
A heavy heat warmed my backside. Something big and hard all over. It took me only a second to recognize the feel of a male body, and for two obvious reasons. One, my shirt had moved up, leaving my lower body bare. And two, whoever was behind me was naked. A large, hot cock was tucked right up tight against my ass, throbbing strongly at the crack, as if trying to wedge itself between my cheeks.
I was infused with a scorching heat because I loved sex, and the shape and size of the man’s cock behind me revealed it would hurt as much as it would give me pleasure. A low moan escaped me before I could stifle it. It had been so long since I’d gotten laid. I was determined to have a man that I actually wanted for a change, but so far I hadn’t found one in my newfound freedom.