Page 27 of Lulu
“Oh, gosh, she hasn’t replaced me already, has she?” she joked.
I laughed. She was going to fit in well in our laid-back office. “Not at all. I’m giving you a call to see if you might be available to start with us early and come in tomorrow.”
“Oh! Sure. What time?”
I could hear the excitement in her voice. Someone pulling in to the parking lot drew my attention through the glass front of the building. It was Brody. He was early. And as he kicked his bike stand down and brought his leg over the seat, I felt a little thrill. Those jeans hugged his muscular thighs and didn’t disguise the bulge behind his zipper.
“You still there?” Stephanie inquired after a long pause in our conversation.
I blinked away the fog of lust that was clouding my brain and laughed. “Great. Eight o’clock. See you tomorrow. Bye.”
I watched Brody’s sexy swagger from his bike to the door. His steps were sure and steady in the heavy biker boots he was wearing. I couldn’t help dropping my eyes to his zipper, my mouth watering. Recalling how his cock had filled me that morning made me wet, and I squirmed slightly in my chair. He exuded so much sex-appeal that it wasn’t fair. Goodness, one fuck by this man and I was a hooked. How was a woman supposed to get over that?
He pulled the door open and stepped in, his sharp eyes zeroing in right on me. The corners of his sexy mouth turned up. I caught the gleam in his dark eyes and licked my bottom lip before dragging a corner of it between my teeth. His gaze dropped there, turning his eyes into smoldering rays that threatened to send me up in flames.
Jesus!This shit could not be happening to me! I was a grown-ass woman, for Christ’s sake. I’d had plenty of men look at me with lust in their eyes, but none had affected me like Brody. This wasn’t good. And I realized that I was slightly scared.
He leaned over the desk, getting in close to my face. I fought the urge to lean back in my chair because that would show him what I was feeling. I held my breath in anticipation--of what, I didn’t know. The warm, inviting scent of musk and man enveloped me.
“Keep looking at me like that and I’ll fuck you bent over on this desk.”
Ohmygod!My panties became soaked in an instant, and a flush of uncomfortable heat spread across my body. I was sure Brody could tell by my face the effect his words had on me.
Somewhere I found the ability to speak. “How am I looking at you?” That sounded innocent enough, right?
His grin was positively feral. “Like you’re remembering how my dick feels pounding inside your pussy and you want a repeat.”
Oh, fuck!Somehow I had to get a grip or I was going to embarrass myself. I was going to crawl across my desk and climb him like a monkey. I couldn’t believe the effect his filthy words had on me. Me. A thirty-year-old woman with plenty of experience with men, who knew what was what. I hated the smirk that developed on the five o’clock shadow on his face. The knowing glint in his eyes that told me he knew exactly what he was doing to me. I was so wet it would be a miracle if I didn’t leave a telltale spot on the chair when I got up.
I decided that the only way I was going to beat Brody at his seductive game was to play by his rules. I found the strength to raise my chin in a show of defiance I was sure he’d take as a challenge “What if I want a repeat?” I watched with satisfaction as my words and my admission sharpened the arousal on his face. When he gripped me by the back of my neck, I felt a second of fear that I’d pushed him too far, but excitement won out.
“You’ll get it,” he growled, a second before he slammed his mouth over mine.
I didn’t even try to restrain the long moan that escaped me when his hard mouth devoured mine with the promise behind his words. We were both playing with fire, and I wanted to feel the flames of Brody’s domination. I’d experienced it with him once, and it had been earth-shatteringly good.
With little persuasion, I opened my mouth to meet the thrust of his tongue with mine. For a minute we battled as they shoved and glided against each other, adding fuel to the need that existed between us until we were about to combust. I felt it in my pounding heart and in my racing blood. Everything I was ached for this man and what I knew he could give me.
We were both panting when he pulled back. “But not here.” With those few words he straightened away from me.
For a moment I was so dazed that I didn’t know what he was talking about. And then the fog cleared and I remembered that I’d asked about a repeat. I quickly pulled myself together and pretended that he hadn’t just rocked my world.
“Let’s go. We have a busy night ahead of us.”
I groaned. “God, I hope it includes food. I didn’t get to eat lunch today.”
His brows drew together. “Why not?”
I stood up from the desk and sucked in slow, even breaths to calm me. “Our new receptionist forgot to schedule us time in between appointments, and then we had to send her home sick. It was a crap day.” I didn’t add, “until you showed up.”
He chuckled. “Food is on the list.”
“Good. Let me get my purse and I’ll meet you outside.”
He turned to leave as I turned to push the door open that led to the back. I grabbed my bag and made sure the back door was locked before I walked out to the entrance door. I locked it behind me and turned to find Brody waiting for me on his bike. He was holding a helmet in his hand.
“What about you?” I asked, halting at his side.