Page 29 of Lulu
My eyes dropped to the exaggerated swing of her hips. She was a beautiful woman, and she didn’t need to go to the extra trouble of inviting a man’s eyes on her. Maybe she was insecure, or a player. I gave Brody a look over my shoulder to find that his eyes were onmyass. When our eyes met, he gave a shrug and a grin.
“Like the view,” he said.
The hostess took us to a table in a back corner that was quiet and dark. Room screens sectioned it off from the rest of the room, almost turning it into a private room. A candle flickered in the middle of the table. She set the menus down and turned to us with a bright smile.
“The waitress will be with you shortly. Enjoy your evening.” She gave Brody a lingering smile before walking away.
I scooted into the booth. Instead of going to the opposite side, Brody climbed in right next to me so that we were sitting together like a couple. I gave him the side-eye. “Should we invite the hostess to join us? She couldn’t have been more obvious that she’d like to have you for dinner.”
He threw his head back and laughed. “Jealous?”
I huffed. “I don’t have a jealous bone in my body.” The lie came so naturally. I couldn’t explain why her interest in him had rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was because he was with me and I’d found her flirting inappropriate. I picked up the menu.
“Don’t worry. Chantelle isn’t my type.”
I looked through the dinner options. “You’re not into beautiful, flirty types?”
“She’s flirty because she knows it won’t go anywhere.”
I swung my gaze to him.
“And the kind of women who interest me are beautiful and experienced. The kind who are mature enough to enjoy sex without expecting it to lead anywhere else.”
Oh. I should have guessed that Brody wouldn’t want a serious involvement. If a man like him wasn’t snatched up by now, it probably wasn’t going to happen. Still, I was curious. “You don’t want a little wifey waiting for you to come home from work at the end of your day?”
“Nope. No kids, dog, or the white picket fence either.”
He sounded so sure of himself.
“That doesn’t bode well for Buttercup,” I murmured, closing my menu once I’d decided what I wanted. I smiled up at the waitress when she arrived at our table.
“Welcome to Mama Joe’s,” she said cheerily, her gaze moving back and forth between Brody and me. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
Brody pinned his eyes on me, waiting for me to go first. Such a gentleman. “I’d like a margarita, please.”
“I’ll have a beer. Whatever’s on tap.”
“I’ll be right back.”
For the first time I realized that I hadn’t seen him even pick up his menu. That, and the fact Chantelle knew him by name, suggested that he came here a lot. “Do you know what you want?”
He stared at me long and hard, his expression giving nothing away, and yet everything he wanted was manifested in his eyes. I grew warm beneath his quiet scrutiny.
“Oh yeah, Hellcat.”
The rasp of his low tone caused my core to clench.
“I know exactly what I want.”
Chapter 12
I was horny as fuck for Lulu right then, sitting next to her, inhaling the warmth of her pleasant scent, barely able to keep my eyes off the fucking tits outlined so nicely in her clinging top. A smooth, pale shoulder was on display, just beckoning me to put my mouth there. I’d had a hard-on for her for years, and until I had my fill, nothing was going to dimmish the level of lust I had for her. I could hardly wait to get her under me again.
Her voice betrayed a hint of nervousness when she asked, “Do you know what you want?”
A loaded question if I’d ever heard one. “Oh yeah, Hellcat. I know exactly what I want.”