Page 55 of Lulu
It was early when I headed downstairs. Halfway to the bottom, the aroma of coffee and food revealed that breakfast was already underway. There were a few men sitting around shoveling food into their faces. Prospects were cleaning up the mess that had been made the night before. As I made my way through the room toward the kitchen, I returned the few chin lifts directed at me. I knew most everyone in the club, including the club whores.
I entered the kitchen, where Cherry was running around in a tiny, flimsy robe that barely covered her ass. Her hair looked like it had been teased and then left, and her makeup was a mess. If I were to guess, she’d had a busy night with the men. She’d been a club whore for a lot of years, and I’d fucked her a time or two.
A quick glance revealed a platter of bacon and sausage, toast, and a huge bowl of scrambled eggs. I grinned when my eyes landed on the bowl of fruit. That had to be for the old ladies. I headed straight for the coffee maker.
“Well, good morning, sexy.”
She’d finally noticed that I was there. I poured a cup of coffee and returned her greeting. “Morning.”
Her eyes ran over me like a predator sizing up their prey.
“I didn’t know you were here.” She began to flirt with her body, thrusting her tits out until the material covering them split, showing a wide expanse of skin. “I would have taken care of you last night.”
“I made do.” I leaned against the counter and sipped my coffee, not really in the mood to talk.
“Would you like me to fix you a plate?”
I shook my head and reached for a piece of bacon. “I’m good. Have you seen Demon this morning?”
She giggled. “He’s married with children now. He doesn’t usually make an appearance until nine unless something is going on.” She came over to me, chewing on her bottom lip. “I could keep you busy until then.” There was an invitation in her eyes as she ran her hand down my chest.
I smirked around the bacon in my mouth. Cherry was a pretty woman, but right now she looked well used and tired. Her eyes were bloodshot and she smelled like cheap perfume, booze, and cigarettes. Funny, but that had never bothered me before, and she had amazing talents in bed, but for some reason it was a curvy little hellcat that smelled of lavender and vanilla that was on my mind.
Lulu had wormed her way into more than just my fucking thoughts.
Loco entered the kitchen, his expression showing surprise at seeing me there. “Hey, man. Heard you might be staying with us for a while.” He picked up a plate and began to fill it.
“What’s the matter, baby? Your old lady not taking care of you in the mornings?”
Loco shot Cherry a glare. “Shut it, bitch. Know your place.”
She rolled her eyes and laughed. It was obvious that Loco’s words hadn’t offended her. “It used to be under you,” she cooed.
“Yeah. Well now I have something better.” His plate was stacked high when he turned around to face us.
“That’s okay.”
I had the feeling that Cherry would have moved closer to me if I hadn’t been holding a cup of coffee in front of me.
“There’s more interesting fish in the sea.” She gave me a wink. “Good to know you’ll be around for a while. I’ll come by later to take care of you.” She slithered around me and left the kitchen.
I brought my cup up to my mouth, catching Loco’s smirk right before he stuffed a piece of sausage into his mouth.
“Be careful where you dip your wick around here. Cherry knows the score and likes to joke around, but the new girls still need training. Best to stick to her or Mitzi.”
“I’m not here for that.” I downed my coffee and set the cup in the sink. “So where’s Millie this morning?”
He swallowed. “Spent the night at a client’s house. They had some kind of family emergency and had to leave town. Their dog had a litter and they didn’t want to leave them alone.”
Doc chose that moment to step into the kitchen. His eyes landed on me instantly. “Been looking for you, Brother. Demon wants to talk to you.”
I stepped away from the counter I’d been leaning on and followed Doc to Demon’s office. Oz was also sitting there with his eyes downcast on a ledger. We walked in just in time to see Demon replacing the pink Barbie doll eyepatch with his usual black one. I snorted before I could reign it in.
Demon’s head snapped up when he heard it. “I swear if Bobbie doesn’t stop making these girlie eyepatches…” He laughed in spite of himself. “Sometimes I forget to change the fucking thing and go out in public with Barbie, some chick named Sophia, or fucking Minnie Mouse on my face. I’m losing my street cred!”
I could tell that it didn’t bother him as much as he made out. His tone of voice didn’t back up his complaint, and there was a slight curve to his lips.
“I think it’s adorable,” Doc chimed in, getting another snort from me as I sat down. I gave Oz a chin lift when he finally glanced up.