Page 57 of Lulu
“Now wait a minute,” I began, not liking where this conversation was going. “Christ. I wouldn’t even classify her as a friend.”
Demon laughed. “So you’re just fucking her.”
I wasn’t going to respond to that either.
“All kidding aside, we’re down prospects right now. I’ll give LD a call and see if he has one that wants to earn his patch.”
I knew what Demon wasn’t saying--no one liked being put on babysitting duty, even the prospects.
“She lives out in the desert with no one else around. She’s going to know she’s being watched.”
Doc was right, but I didn’t care.
“Does she know you’re here?” he asked.
“No. I don’t want it to get out. This isn’t a vacation for me. Any leads Sanford or Oz come up with I’ll check out. I may be coming and going while I’m here.”
Oz nodded his understanding.
“On a different note--” Demon leaned forward, pinning his hard eye on me. “You ever thought about joining us?”
It wasn’t the first time he’d asked, and I gave him the same response that I always did--threw my head back and roared with laughter. He and I both knew that I wasn’t a follower, and besides, I was getting too fucking old for this shit.
No longer was the thrill of the hunt as fulfilling as it once had been.
Survival was the name of the game now.
Chapter 23
I was in my bedroom digging out my shoes for the day when I heard a knock at my door. Millie was supposed to have been here an hour ago. She’d forgotten that she was going to take the day off, and had booked an early morning appointment. After that, though, she was mine. We’d made plans to go car shopping. I was eager to get rid of my rental and into my own vehicle.
Just as I slipped my feet into the cute pumps I’d pared up with the cute sundress I had on, I heard her knock loudly again.
“It’s open!” I hollered out. “Be right there!”
I could hear Buttercup’s muted barking from the other side of the back door. She didn’t like staying outside once she was done with her business. I think she liked the air conditioning. I’d spoiled her since she’d moved in with me.
I left the bedroom, expecting to see Millie in the next room, and came to a startled halt when I saw a man there instead. And it was not the prospect that had been following me around all week. “Oh!” I exclaimed, coming to a jerky halt.
The stranger’s non-threatening smile would have set anyone else at ease, but I wasn’t like anyone else, especially with everything that was going on with Brody. My mind was already working overtime as to why this man had just walked into a stranger’s house. I made a mental note of where my gun was in case I had to run for it. For the first time I was thankful that LD had put protection on me.
I gave the man a slightly irritated look.
“You did say the door was open,” he reminded me, not losing his smile.
Those hadn’t been my exact words, but oh well. I cleared my throat. “Yes, well, I was expecting someone else.” I forced a smile.
“The biker outside?” I wondered how he’d gotten past Smokey. “Don’t worry. Your friend already grilled me and found me harmless.”
I knew that I should call his bullshit and call Smokey in to see what kind of story this guy spieled to get inside. “I don’t get many visitors out here.” I was glad that he had remained close to the door. “Hence the guard dog.” I was sure that he could hear the racket Buttercup was making.
His smile never wavered as he pointed out the obvious. “She doesn’t sound very threatening.”
I thought quick. “That’s the beauty of it. No one expects her to be a trained attack dog.”
He laughed. “Well, I won’t take up much of your time. I’m looking for someone.”