Page 70 of Lulu
“Hi, handsome.”
I liked how she leaned in for a kiss before she climbed on the back of my bike. Sure she had her own car, but I preferred taking her to work and picking her up when she didn’t bring Buttercup with her. I liked the feel of her on the back of my bike, her arms wrapped tight around me, and her legs against the back of mine.
“How was your day, babe?”
“All good.”
She’d leaned in to say the words against my ear, and then I felt her teeth close in over it. “I got to help out with a birth today.” There was excitement in her voice.
I turned my head to look at her over my shoulder. “I assume it was an animal birth?”
She laughed. “Actually, no.”
My brows shot up in surprise.
“A woman in labor showed up. She and her husband were on the way to the hospital and stopped here for help.”
“Jesus, Hellcat, I’m impressed.”
“It was a boy,” she went on to explain. “I was the first one to get to hold him.” She sounded like she was on cloud nine. “I want one.”
I stiffened and turned back around to face the front, afraid that my expression would give off the wrong impression. She wanted a baby?Holy fuck!I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Not exactly elated, considering my current situation. Also, not ready. Would I ever be? Having children had never played a part in what I thought my future would look like. But then neither had having a permanent woman, but here I was.
“Stop freaking out!” Lulu gave me a hard punch to the back of my shoulder. “I didn’t say I want one now. And I want children with a man who wants a family, not some asshole hit man.”
Her comment was said in anger, but I detected the hurt in her tone. She didn’t see us going the long haul, that was clear. And her having babies with someone else wasn’t something I wanted to think about. Just the thought of another man putting hands on her was enough to send me into a jealous rage.
“Are we going to sit here all night? I’m hungry.”
I was glad we were changing the subject. “What do you feel like eating?”
“Aren’t we going back to the clubhouse?”
I knew that we should, but I was feeling guilty for making her move back in and wanted to take her somewhere for dinner, even if it was a greasy hamburger joint. I knew I was taking a risk, but I’d texted Doc to see if he could tag along in case I needed backup. He was going to meet us there.
“I thought I’d take you out for a hamburger.”
After a brief pause, she asked, “Is it safe?”
“Safe as it can be.” I’d decided not to tell her what I’d learned from my last call with Sanford. “Doc’s meeting us there so he can follow us back.”
She made the yummy sound. “I’d love a big, greasy cheeseburger,” she admitted.
“Then wrap your arms around me, baby, and hold on tight.” I started my bike and took off.
We rode into Vegas and went down the strip to a small restaurant called the Hamburger Pit that was tucked in between casinos and tourist traps. By the time we pulled into the parking lot it was dark, and the whole strip was lit up and had a lot of activity going on. I spotted Doc’s bike and parked next to it. Lulu unwrapped her arms from around me, and I immediately missed the contact.
I opened the door and ushered her inside with a hand at her lower back. The place was packed, which was not surprise considering it was dinner time and they had a reputation for having the best burgers in town. As I glanced about the room, I realized that I was looking for Crazy, until I spotted Doc in the back. He’d raised his hand to get my attention. He went back to scanning over the menu while we walked up and then sat down.
“Do I have a spending limit, Dad?” He shot me a smirk, making it clear that dinner was on me.
I was fine with that. He was doing me a favor. “Order the steak if you want.” I knew that he wouldn’t find steak on the menu. He gave me the finger without looking up.
“I already know what I want,” Lulu piped in without looking at her menu. “I haven’t eaten here since they opened last year, but I remember how good their Hamburger Pit special was.”
I checked it out. Apparently, the hamburger pit special had everything on it but the kitchen sink. I folded the menu and set it back on the table. “Sounds good.”
“Make that three,” Doc said.