Page 4 of Eagle
Eagle turned his head to look at Brew, then turned it back to pin those quick-silver eyes on me. He wanted a name? Playing stupid, I gave him a name.
Chapter 2
Fuck, she was cute, but I didn’t have time to pursue my interest when Brew was groaning in pain. There was no telling how severe his injuries were. His bike was toast, the twisted, broken metal showing how hard he must have hit the fucking tree against which he was resting. I was glad to see the ambulance come up over the hill.
I narrowed my gaze on Leo, trying to intimidate her into telling me who the driver of the car that had hit Brew had been. I was good at intimidating people, especially civilians, but she was holding strong, standing there as if she could stare me down and win. Whoever the guy was, I knew he must be someone special to her. She was protecting him. Well, that was too fucking bad.
For her.
I wasn’t going to be satisfied until I had a name. Whoever had hit Brew and then taken off was going to pay, one way or another. Soldiers of Retribution hadn’t earned their name from ignoring the wrongs done to the club or its members, but I decided to let it go for now. When the ambulance pulled over and two EMTs jumped out, I stood out of the way.
“What happened?” one of them asked.
I glanced down at Brew. He’d grown pale and was close to losing consciousness. He didn’t look capable of answering any questions, so I turned my attention to Leo, crossed my arms and raised a brow.
“It was a car accident,” she said. “I think he hit the tree headfirst.”
Fuck, I thought. Brew was lucky to be alive. For the first time I noticed that his brain bucket was cracked and shattered.
“Get the cervical collar,” one EMT said to the other. “Did anyone call the sheriff?”
“The chicken-shit driver drove off,” I responded, getting a glare from Leo. Regret filled her eyes, but she kept them focused on mine without fear.
“Hit and run? Damn!”
A few minutes passed as they took Brew’s vitals and fitted him with a neck brace. Then the one who’d retrieved the neck brace returned to the ambulance and came back with a stretcher. He lowered it to the ground, they carefully lifted Brew on top of it, and then raised it again.
“We’re taking him to Mid-Coast.”
I nodded. “He wakes, tell him his brothers will be there soon.” I waited until he acknowledged that he’d heard me before turning back to the woman. “I want the name of the driver.”
She took a breath, which did wonders for her tits when they stretched against the tee she was wearing. Then she straightened her shoulders and tilted her jaw just enough to let me know she was going to remain stubborn.
“I’m sorry, I can’t do that unless you promise not to hurt him.”
I frowned. “He someone special to you?”
“No.” That was all she offered.
“Fuck, woman.” I was getting angry over our word play. I noticed that the change in my tone of voice caused her to take a little step back, and, using her fear to my advantage, I moved toward her menacingly. For every step I took closer to her she took one backwards. I almost grinned when her eyes began darting around the area as if she were looking for someone to help her.
“You know who we are?”
“I’ve heard of you.”
“Then you know we’re the good guys.”
A burst of laughter escaped her. “It doesn’t look like it right now.”
“You think this is funny?”