Page 75 of Eagle
The finality in which he spoke revealed that this was all he was willing to say about the subject. I could respect that. It wasn’t our business. We were there to make sure that the truce he wanted to implement between our MCs was fair and equal. It was a basic rule, and one MCs adhered to if they didn’t want war.
“So that’s it then?” Wolfe stood, and the rest of us followed. “From this day forward, we’ll adhere to the truce between our clubs.” He held out his hand. Evil didn’t hesitate to take it.
Thank fuck.
I was eager to get back to my woman.
Chapter 31
I pulled the curtain aside to look outside at the driveway. Yup. Snake was still sitting there on his bike. The movement at the window must have alerted him because he glanced over in my direction. I smiled and waved, wondering if I should invite him inside. I’d never had a guard before. I thought about it for a second and went to the door and opened it.
“Would you like to come inside? You’ve been sitting out there for two hours. You can’t be comfortable.” I felt guilty for his current duty.
“I’m good,” he responded with a slight curve on his lips. “Eagle is on his way.”
Hmm. Why hadn’t he called me? We were going to have to talk about his communication skills. I’d been worried about him since he’d left the garage, and I hadn’t heard anything else from him. Was I expecting too much too soon?
“Do you need a drink or anything?”
Snake shook his head and went back to looking down at his phone.
Sensing that he didn’t want to be bothered, I closed the door. All I had to do was wait for Eagle now. Dinner was done, and I’d set the small table. I gave it a critical look, glad that I’d kept things simple. Eagle didn’t strike me as a romantic, candlelight kind of guy. He was too rough around the edges for that.
It didn’t take long before I heard his bike approaching. I rushed to the bathroom to give my appearance one last glance. I’d decided to stay comfortable after my shower, slipping into a pair of soft sweatpants that rode low on my hips, and a matching top that zipped up the front. I was wearing a crop top underneath in case things heated up and I had to remove the top. I hadn’t put on any makeup other than a little lip gloss, and I’d pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I turned to leave the bathroom and nearly had a heart attack when I saw Eagle standing there with a sexy grin on his face.
“Jesus!” My hand flew up to cover my heart.
“You look beautiful, darlin’.”
“You’ve got to stop just coming in like that!”
“And you’ve got to get in the habit of locking your door.” He stepped further into the tiny room and wrapped his arm around my waist when he reached me. “Give me those lips.”
I couldn’t stay mad at him, not when he was grinding his mouth against mine and crushing me tightly against his hard body. I could tell that he’d cleaned up, probably at the clubhouse again, because the scent assailing my nostrils was fresh and clean. Pure man. I moaned beneath his lips and opened mine to his thrusting tongue. Once mine met his, we started going at it as if we hadn’t just seen each other a couple of hours ago.
I loved the way Eagle took over, his actions revealing his passion and how much he wanted me. His confidence that I would reciprocate fueled my own. I’d never been with a man who’d driven my need to have down and dirty sex with him to such heights. I wrapped my arms around his neck and climbed his body until my legs were wrapped around his hips.
He took a step until he had me against the wall and groaned like a wild animal as his hands settled on the curve of my bottom and squeezed.
Eagle broke away first, resting his forehead against mine, breathing hard. “Fuck, woman, you get me from zero to a hundred in seconds flat,” he rasped in a smooth tone of voice that caused a blanket of sensual warmth to spread over me.
I laughed softly against his lips. “You sound like that’s unusual.”
“It fucking is, Leo.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “Never met a woman who gets to me like you do. When I’m with you, all I want to do is bury my dick inside your sweet pussy and never come out.”
It might have been funny if I hadn’t felt the same way. Just Eagle’s kiss ignited a firestorm of hunger so intense that it could consume me if I let it. I took a deep breath and asked a bit shakily, “Are you hungry?”
He chuckled as I lowered my legs. “What do you think?” He thrust his hard cock against me.
I took his hand. “Dinner is ready. Let’s eat before we do any, ah, extracurricular activities.” He followed me to the kitchen. “Should we invite Snake to eat with us?”
“Hell, no. Besides, I sent his ass home.”
“So you’re going to be my guard tonight?”
“Yup.” He wiggled his brows. “All night.”