Page 4 of King
Chapter 3
“I insist,” said the big man behind her.King.Yeah, she’d recognized him.How could she not?
He was hot.Even for an older man.What was he, around fifty?It had been years since Mia had had a crush on him, even longer since she’d seen him last, and he had changed for the better.It was obvious age had taken the boy out of the man and turned him into a magnificent specimen of sculptured muscle and testosterone.She liked the bit of silver in his hair too.
Under different circumstances, she might have admired his rugged good looks or noticed the strength in his body.But he had scared her, and his foul mouth hadn’t done him any favors either.Had he always talked like that?She couldn’t remember.Their few run ins over the years hadn’t included conversations.Their exchanges had been brief sightings, maybe a half-hearted wave, and a verbal “hi” or two.
In the space of five minutes, they’d not only had a short, testy, give-and-take of words, but he’d touched her.Touched her.Picked her up as if she didn’t weigh one-hundred-and-thirty pounds.She could still feel the strength in the powerful arms he’d wrapped around her.
Regardless, she decided to ignore him.It was only a short distance to her home.Precious usually wasn’t so adventurous when it came to running away.Mia guessed that she must have seen a rabbit or something and had bolted before Mia could catch her.She’d be more careful in the future.
“I don’t mind, ma’am,” the second silver fox spoke up, and Mia turned to meet his friendly gaze.
Another handsome man, and one who she didn’t know.He was tall and built like King, but he didn’t have a beard, and the hat he was wearing covered up his hair.His flannel shirt was rolled up to his elbows, showing off the colorful tattoos adorning his arms.He looked to be in his late forties.Laugh lines fanned out from his light blue eyes.
He seemed to be offering her a break from King, who stood there looking unfriendly, with muscled bulk and an unshaven jaw set in a hard line.His stiff-legged stance, though sexy, was meant to intimidate, and Mia reminded herself that he was facing the newimprovedher.An independent woman with a will and a mind of her own.
As she looked him over, she couldn’t help but notice that he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.It didn’t necessarily mean that he wasn’t married.His occupation could prevent him from wearing something like that for safety reasons.He’d been married the last time they’d crossed paths.She vaguely recalled the tall, slender woman who’d been hanging onto his arm.What was her name?She couldn’t recall.
Her cheeks flushed as she saw the humor sparkling in King’s dark brown eyes.He’d noticed her checking out his left hand.Shit!She started to roll her eyes until she remembered that she was a mature adult.Instead, she gave him her best glare, which only made his smile grow bigger.
On the tail end of her huff of annoyance, Cramer introduced himself and asked where she lived.Pressing her lips, Mia followed him to a blue truck as Precious wiggled in her arms.
“See you around, darlin’!”
Mia rolled her eyes, knowing that King couldn’t see her.His tone seemed less than friendly, revealing that he was still irritated with her.“If you’re lucky!”She cast a glance at Cramer, whose expression revealed that he was amused.“I’m staying at my cousin Sammy’s,” she told him.Cramer assisted her into his truck, and she eyed King while the other man walked around to the driver side.His expression was closed off, and she wondered what he was thinking.
She suspected King wasn’t short on female companionship.She knew full well that she’d run into him again soon enough, now that she’d moved back for good.Coldwater was small, after all, and even with its handful of businesses, fishing, boating, and swimming on the lake during the summer months, the town was bound to be busy on occasion.
Cramer started the truck and turned around.The sun caught the gold on his wedding band where his hand was resting on the steering wheel, drawing Mia’s attention as they bounced down the narrow road.“I see you’re married.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Crammer said with a smile.“Twenty-six years, four sons.”He glanced her way.“All grown up now.”
“And out of the house?”
They shared a laugh for different reasons.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember you.Maybe I know your wife?”
“You wouldn’t remember me.I’m not from around here.Joy is, though.”
“Joy.”Mia thought for a moment.No one by the name of Joy came to her mind.Precious began to fidget, and she put a firm hand on her body to hold her close.“I’m sorry, I don’t remember a Joy either.I’ve been gone a long time.”
“Well, we’re a little older than you,” Cramer explained.“Probably didn’t run in the same circles.You got kids?”
Mia smiled, thinking about Chris and Nick.“Two adult sons,” she confirmed.“They’re in Texas with their dad.”
He nodded.“Divorce can be hard.”
A soft laugh escaped Mia.She didn’t bother asking how he knew.She understood the workings of a small town and how fast word traveled.All Sammy had to do was mention her story to one person, and it would go from there.She didn’t respond to Cramer’s comment.Just nodded to let him know that she’d heard him and agreed.
A few minutes later they were pulling up to Sammy’s farmhouse.“Thanks for the ride,” she said before hopping out of the vehicle.“Sorry for all the dirt.”She returned Cramer’s smile and shut the door.