Page 10 of Be a Good Girl
I don’t respond. There’s literally nothing I can say that won’t escalate things, so I just muster the best semi-smile I can, turn, and make my way back toward the elevator.
“Yeah? Wellfuck youthen!” Maggie screams after me before slamming her door shut. Maybe once I tell this story to the guys back at the office, they’ll finally stop sending me here.
I stop for a coffee on my way home, and as I navigate my way through traffic, I cannot get Alice’s delicious body out of my mind.
The fact that she waited for me last night and wore lingerie for me has me grinning on my way back to my apartment. It fit her perfectly, lighting up every single one of her body’s delectable curves like they were on fire. My lust was raging the instant I set eyes on her.
Then watching her dance like my own personal stripper in the VIP room was the icing on the cake.
Miss Alice Dupont, New York City’s famous CEO, dancing like a common slut for me in her multi-million-dollar penthouse while blush danced across her cheeks at the same time.
All I’m thinking as I lug my bike up the steps to my apartment is being able to take a shower and rub one out while dreaming of her.
She hasn’t fully submitted to me yet, but she will. I see it in her eyes when she looks at me. It’s obvious in her actions. For a woman so powerful and in charge of so many people to give up that power and behave the way she does with me says a lot about where her true desires lie.
It’s coming. The time is coming.
And then, so will she.
I open my apartment door and see my roommate, Shane, sitting on the couch eating noodles. He gives me an odd look and nods toward my bedroom.
“There’s a girl waiting for you in there.”
“You let a girl into my bedroom?” Without even kicking off my shoes, I storm across the apartment with visions of my ex, Tasha, sitting on my bed with an evil smirk on her face. But when I burst into my room, I find something I did not expect whatsoever.
Alice, sitting in my chair, wearing what she would normally wear to work–only slightly sexier–her legs crossed, heels still on.
My cock instantly flexes and pumps blood as my eyes drag up her black skirt, hugging her sculpted fertile hips. She’s undone one of the buttons on her blouse to show off her ample cleavage.
Without saying a word, I instantly turn around and walk back to Shane. I point to the door leading out of the apartment. “You’ve gotta go.”
Shane doesn’t even question me. He sees the look in my eyes, stands up–noodles in hand–steps into his shoes, and walks out.
Now that’s a bro for you.
I walk back to my room, testosterone pumping through me like a firehose on full blast, see Alice sitting there, looking so divine, and wonder just how many of those men at her office fantasize about her every day.
How many of them, with their perfectly-put-together lives, designed to attract a woman just like Alice, look at her and wonder why she has never given them a shot.
Yet here she is, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn with me.
“How’d you find me?” I demand.
“You’ve got your methods”—Alice smiles—“and I’ve got mine. I’m the CEO of a major company who has employed you in the past. You think it was that hard?”
I’m beyond turned on. Her lips, her breasts, her hips, those long legs that slide out of her skirt. What kind of panties is she wearing this time? Christ, I’m dying to see her little pussy.
But I can’t let this go on. Not with the arrangement we have.
“Get out,” I tell her, pointing at the door. “This is not how a good girl behaves. You do whatItell you to do.WhenI tell you and only then–”
I’m interrupted when Alice reaches behind her and produces the collar and leash. She must have done some snooping before I arrived and found them in my closet. I’m furious at her for having done this, but at the same time, I’m voraciously turned on.
I open my mouth to speak, but before I can, Alice raises the collar and buckles it around her neck without being asked, then takes the end of the leash and extends it out to me.
“Am I being a good girl now?” A naughtiness appears in her eyes–simply a flicker–but enough to signal to me. “Daddy?”