Page 23 of Be a Good Girl
I know she’s just doing her job, but I can’t help but feel insulted.
It’s as if I’m a teenager and she’s my mother, scolding me for acting in ways she doesn’t approve of with my new boyfriend.
I’m feeling overprotective of Damien. If she could only see him. If she could experience what I have with him, then she would understand!
“I told him to get me pregnant.” The words escape my lips like a beautiful whisper that takes me back to that blissful moment Damien and I shared, me wrapped in his arms as he filled me with his seed, both of us soaring high in our climactic moments, coupling together in an experience I’d never felt before.
“Alice,” Michelle slowly replies. “I have to confess–I’m not sure I am going to be able to give you advice on what to do here, to be honest.”
“Michelle, you have to tell me something!”
Michelle leans forward and places a calming hand on my knee. “These are questions only you will be able to answer. You say this man makes you feel wonderful, and I’m so happy for you. But I can’t tell you whether you should leave the company you built to be with him, or whether you should leave him and continue to prioritize your career. This is a decision you will have to make on your own.”
I’m unable to hold out any longer. The tears spill from my eyes as I begin to sob.
“I know,” I sniffle. “You’re right. It was stupid of me to come here today.”
“It wasn’t.” Michelle smiles. “We all have to talk things out in our lives, Alice. Don’t feel stupid for needing to do that.”
“I don’t,” I reply as I get to my feet. “But I should have already known what I needed to do.”
I wipe the tears from my eyes and take a deep breath.
Who is this new Alice I’ve become? The old Alice would never have let herself become so emotional–not even during a session with Michelle.
“So you’ve made your decision?” she asks.
I nod. “I have. I know what I need to do.”
I haven’t heardfrom Alice all day, but she’s been wreaking havoc on my mind without even being here.
I had a long day of deliveries and came back to the apartment to shower and clean up, and even thought about just heading up to her apartment for a surprise visit, but I was starving, so I had to order some Thai food first. I gave her a call about a half-hour ago, but it went straight to voicemail.
Now I’m sitting on the couch and eating with Charlie and Fran, one of the barista girls from the coffee shop down the street, watchingI Married a Witchwith Veronica Lake. It’s our weekly movie night, and Fran’s great taste goes beyond just good coffee.
“Look at Veronica,” she says. “What a babe.”
“Old movies were just so much better, man,” Charlie says with a sigh. “Give me classic Hollywood glamour any day over this junk they put out now.”
I chuckle and reach for my drink when there’s a knock at the door. “I’ll get it,” Charlie says, getting up. “That’s probably Tim. He said he might stop by.”
Charlie steps over the coffee table and walks over to the door, but when he opens it, Alice steps right past him and into the apartment. She moves as though she just bought the building.
She looks like a million bucks. She’s wearing a mauve skirt with matching heels and a white blouse. I see Charlie checking her out and throw him a look that says, “Back off.”
He does.
“Damien, I–” Alice freezes when she sees Fran sitting beside me on the couch. Fran’s a good-looking girl herself, and I’m sure she can tell–just as I can–exactly how Alice is feeling right at this moment. It’s written all over her face.
Jealousy. Alice is furiously jealous.
This little game we’ve been playing has been working. She isn’t just physically into me; she’s fallen for me. And seeing me seated beside another woman has ignited her territorialism.
If I were Fran, I’d be scared.