Page 14 of Coerced Wife
Someone else, an older woman, says something soothing that I can’t discern.
Saverio grins against my folds, the sharp edges of his teeth scraping over my flesh. His deep voice reverberates in my core. “Not until you give it up for me, sweetness.”
“I can’t,” I say again, glancing at the door.
Saverio licks around the seam of my opening, watching me with a wicked gaze. My heartbeat spikes, adrenaline pumping through my veins. We’re going to get caught, and the worst is that I can’t bring myself to care, not when he bites down gently on my clit and swipes the tip of his tongue over the nub.
The first woman speaks again. “I don’t give a fuck if I have mascara under my eyes. You know what? Give me that.”
The older woman shrieks.
I jam a fist into my mouth to prevent myself from moaning as pleasure coils through my lower body.
“You’re all fucking useless,” the woman yells, her voice shrill. “I’ll just do it myself.”
A loud thump sounds on the door.
I jerk in Saverio’s hold. He doesn’t let up, the determined look in his eyes telling me he’s not going to stop until he gets what he wants.
“What the fuck?” the woman says. “It’s locked.”
“Calm down, dear.” The older woman’s tone is placating. “Let me try.”
Saverio doesn’t increase his pace. He sucks my clit into his mouth as if someone isn’t jiggling the handle on the other side of the door.
The orgasm builds slower this time. Saverio drags it out, bringing me there in his own sweet time.
“Itislocked,” the older woman says, sounding confused.
I bite down on my knuckles as the vise starts to tighten.
“Call one of our men.” Another thump. “Get someone here right now.”
“Maybe one of the staff…”
The older woman’s voice washes away. The ringing in my ears makes me deaf to everything. My body is so sensitive the climax is almost painful. I shake in Saverio’s hold, giving him what he wanted. I’m helpless to do anything else, not only because someone, most likely the bride, wants to get into the room, but also because I’m a slave to Saverio in every way. He doesn’t even have to blackmail me. He doesn’t have to threaten me with my life. All he has to do is touch me.
“If there’s anyone in there, you better open this door right the fuck now,” a very furious woman calls through the wood.
The older woman says something I can’t make out. It sounds as if she’s trying to calm the younger one down.
Saverio rubs his stubble over the inside of my thigh, making me shiver. He plants a kiss on my folds before straightening.
“For fuck’s sake,” the woman says. “Can you stop talking and just go get security?”
He drags my dress over my hips and pulls it straight. The skirt is creased, looking as if it just came crumpled out of a suitcase. Saverio brushes down my hair with his hands and flashes me a smile that melts my insides. After handing me my bag, he presses his mouth on mine for a quick but deep kiss. Tasting myself on his lips does things to me. Hemay like it when I smell like him, but I love it when he tastes like me.
He grins. “Ready?”
I want to say no. His hair is disheveled, and I must look well-fucked, but he doesn’t seem to mind. If anything, he appears proud as he takes my hand and leads me to the door.
When he turns the key and opens it, a woman dressed in a robe stumbles into the room, almost losing her balance. I recognize Elena, although she’s a far cry from the woman I met at the nightclub. The one facing me with black rivulets running down her cheeks and red lipstick smudged around her lips looks a mess.
“What the fuck?” she screams, balling her hands into fists at her sides and throwing daggers at us with her eyes.
The stocky woman behind Elena places a hand over her heart, gaping at Saverio as he pushes past her while dragging me along.
“Congratulations,” Saverio says to Elena. “Nice dress.”