Page 16 of Sinful Doctor
But not now.
Even if Seb wasn’t in the picture I would have never gone back to him.
The doors ping and I inhale sharply as I walk down the long corridor towards his apartment. Pressing the buzzer, I waitfor a moment. The doorknob twists and my heart is now jack hammering inside my chest, but when he opens the door, my eyes don’t even land on him.
They land on Seb.
Who is standing, one hand tucked inside his pocket, the other curled around a whiskey glass and suddenly, all my nerves are gone.
“Harper,” Sloane says softly, breaking my gaze.
“Sloane,” my tone is short as I shrug my denim jacket off and drop it into his hands as I walk into the apartment. Head held high, hips swaying as my heels click along the tiled floor.
I feel good.
I look good—I think.
And I know Sloane is wondering what the fuck is going on, but I couldn’t give two fucks about what he thinks.
“Can I get you a drink?” Sloane appears at my side, hand sliding around my back and curling around my hip over the tight black mini-dress I am wearing.
“Your usual?” he asks, knowing that I’ll go for the same boring chardonnay like I always do.
“No, I’ll have what he is drinking.”
“An old fashioned? Are you sure? I bought plenty of chardonnay.”
“Yes I am sure,” I turn to look at him, “I’m all about trying something new, I took a leaf out of your book, Sloane. You see, you didn’t want to settle with me so you dipped your dick into as many rotten vaginas as you could… even when I caught you, you didn’t care. Just let those girls keep doing what they were doing so, good news Sloane… keep doing you, boo,” I pat him on the chest and saunter my way over to where Seb is standing and take a seat on the sofa.
Holy fuck I feel sick.
She looks phenomenal.
Tight black dress.
Tits pushed up and overspilling.
Her long red hair in tight curls and I am desperate to intwine my fingers inside.
Long tanned legs and killer heels that I want wrapped around my back.
Sloane walks in, clearly in shock at her admission and hands her an old fashioned and I smirk as he sits next to me. I lean across and whisper in his ear, “Seems like she is over your shit, mate.”
He rolls his eyes and shoves me away which causes me to laugh.
“Harper,” Sloane clears his throat, “you remember my brother, Sebastian, don’t you?”
“Hmm,” she crinkles her brow and taps her finger against those luscious full lips as if she is thinking, and then I see the smirk that draws over her face. “Of course I do, how could I forget your insanely hotter brother Sebastian,” her cheeks flush with a hint of red.
That’s my girl.
“Hotter?” Sloane sits forward on the edge of his seat.