Page 53 of Savage Secrets
“All right. Where is Paige? Do you need to pick her up?”
“No. She’s staying with my mom.”
“You’re coming to the Springvale tonight.”
She shook her head. “No, no. I can’t impose on you.” Her gaze slid pointedly to Zach behind the wheel.
Of course she had picked up on the moment when he cupped Opal’s face and asked if she was all right, as well as her response to the cowboy.
“It’s no imposition, Kirsten. We’ll go to the ranch and I’ll make a pot of tea. You can sleep on the sofa.”
“Please just drop me off at home. I’ll text you later.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Zach, turn left here. My house is two streets over.” She reached between them and pointed through the windshield.
“Zach, don’t you dare listen to her. She is coming home with us.”
The bracket around his lips had been in place since they left the ranch to go after Kirsten. Now it was carved even deeper, and shadows played over his face as they drove out of town. Whenhe passed the turn to reach Kirsten’s house, Opal relaxed in her seat.
Her friend issued a sigh. “Fine, I’ll come, but only for that pot of tea. Then you can drive me home.”
“We’ll see.” Opal didn’t mean to be so bossy, but she’d only seen half of what Kirsten had been through that night. What happened before was yet to be shared.
When she found Kirsten, her friend was locked against a man who was far too handsy. He had both hands planted on her backside and was grinding against her while she tried to escape.
As soon as Opal saw what was happening—what her friend had obviously been dealing with for more than a few moments, judging by the way her top was falling off and her hair was messed up… Well, things had gotten even more out of hand.
She shot a sideways look at Zach.
He shouldn’t have been in Badlands atall. But he’d come in after her.
As soon as they got to Springvale, he parked right in front of the house and went inside with her and Kirsten, making rounds through the rooms to ensure everything was as they left it.
She sent him a grateful look and then guided her dear friend to the living room. “I’ll put on that pot of tea.”
“I got it,” Zach muttered and vanished into the kitchen.
Kirsten slid her gaze to Opal, a knowing look in her eyes.
She waved toward the bathroom. “Why don’t you clean up a bit and then we’ll sit down and talk? If you want to.”
Kirsten got up and walked into the bathroom. She already looked steadier than when they first arrived, so that was an improvement in the situation.
Opal leaned forward and dropped her face into her hands. When she heard a noise, she raised her head to find Zach staring at her from the kitchen doorway.
“Did you get hurt? In that fight?” His jaw was locked as if he battled with fury at the possibility that someone had hurt her.
A rush of emotion flooded her chest and trickled through her entire system like a warm spring rain.
She was in love with him. It all happened in a few short weeks, but there was no denying the feelings growing inside her since the first day he started taking care of her. The night her father died.
Holding his gaze, she whispered, “I’m fine, Zach. I promise.”
At that moment, Kirsten returned from the bathroom, much tidier than she had been moments before and with her face scrubbed clean of the eye makeup that had streaked her cheeks from crying.
Once the tea was ready, Zach brought a mug for them. When he turned to leave, Opal called out to him.