Page 57 of Savage Secrets
She rested her hand on his chest, over the goofy, grinning face of the pumpkin. “Rainie’s going to love this shirt. I’m headed to pick her up now.”
His eyes glinted with the love he confessed for her the previous night. “Want me to come along?”
“I think I got this.” She’d awakened, feeling confident and more like her old self than she had since her life took that unexpected turn.
A month ago she could make a comprehensive list of her life goals with complete confidence. Then everything went topsy-turvy. She didn’t know up from down when it came to her emotions let alone her future, especially with new decisions to be made about the ranch.
That look in Zach’s eyes, though…soft and sincere…gave her all the warm fuzzy feels, and having him to lean on helped clear her head.
As he leaned close, she slid her hand over his muscled pec and curled it around his shoulder. He ducked his head and captured her mouth in a tender kiss. Neither of them deepened the caress, but it was enough.
It was perfect.
“I’m going to grab another cup of coffee and make some progress on the paddock while the sun’s out.”
She nodded. “I’ll come in with you and grab my car keys. It’s time to bring Rainie home where she belongs.”
Holding the screen door for her, he let her pass into the house before him. She placed her mug in the sink and plucked the keys off the hanger that Zach had made for her. With a wave, she headed to the car while he poured himself a mug of coffee.
Once she was behind the wheel, she started the engine. Or she tried to. Nothing happened. The engine didn’t fire.
She tried a second time. When the vehicle didn’t start, she popped the hood and got out.
While she propped open the hood and stared at the parts and hoses, the crunching noise of Zach’s boots on gravel grew faster and louder with his quick steps.
“What’s wrong?”
“The car won’t start.”
“Hmm.” When he braced a hand on the edge and leaned in, his muscles rippled, distracting her from the problem at hand. He slanted a look at her. “I’ll take a look at it, but I don’t want to delay you from picking up Rainie. Take the truck.”
She nodded, and he reached in his jeans pocket for the keys. They were warm from being close to his body, and she couldn’tresist going on tiptoe to peck him on the cheek before she set off in the direction of the truck.
After sliding behind the wheel and adjusting the seat to fit her shorter legs, she started the engine.
Her stomach bottomed out. This couldn’t be a coincidence.
She hurled open the door. “Zach!”
He whipped around and bolted to her side.
“What’s the matter?”
“The truck won’t start either.”
“Fuck!” He gripped her upper arm and hauled her against his side even as he jerked his head around as if searching for danger.
He guided her back into the truck. “Get in. Lock the doors.”
“Where are you going!” Fear knifed through her chest and made her feel weak, as if she was a puppet and all her strings were cut.
His dark eyes blazed but she couldn’t read their expression. “I have to grab my phone. I set it on the workbench in the barn while I made notes on some measurements for the paddock.”
He slammed the truck door, shutting her inside. She mashed a hand down on the locks and stared through the windshield at Zach rushing to the barn. Holding her breath, her mind started playing a slideshow of anything and everything else that could go wrong.
A second later, he ran back out, the phone locked to his ear. He must be on the phone with his guys or the cops.