Page 64 of Savage Secrets
Around her, four women sat close, each of them huddled in thick jackets and blankets for warmth. When she told them all to go in and get warmed up, they refused to leave her.
Meadow, Ivy, Livia and Demi were proving to be steadfast friends, and she appreciated the small comfort their presence offered.
Meadow rested a hand on Opal’s arm. “Our men are relentless and ruthless. They won’t stop until they find Rainie. Then they’ll take care of the man who has her.”
Opal laid the unicorn in her lap and nodded. She was grateful for their words, but as minute after minute ticked by, her hope of finding Rainie slowly swirled away.
Night had fallen. All the men from the Gracey Ranch, and a dozen others gathered up from neighboring ones, were out there, searching for her daughter. Occasionally, a lantern would shine somewhere in the field as one of the men came down from combing the mountain.
Demi let out a low breath. “I wish that Ledger had been able to come up with an answer about the wire cutters that Zach found on the trail.”
Whipping her head around, Opal pierced her in her gaze. “What wire cutters?”
“He didn’t tell you.” Demi shook her head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
“No, no. You can’t stop now that you started. Tell me what you know.”
The ladies all leaned in as Demi began to speak, her voice quiet. “That day Ledger came to stay with you here and Zach went to the ranch, he gave Ledger a tool. He said he found it on the trail behind your ranch.”
“Oh god. Why didn’t he tell me about it? Or turn it in to the cops?”
Ivy shifted in her seat, causing the wooden legs to squeak on the porch floor. “Let’s be honest—the local cops haven’t done much in the way of helping any of us.”
“That’s true.” Livia wore a knit beanie pulled over her ears against the chill of the night, and the colder winter nip in the air.
Opal racked her brain for a reason why Zach would keep such important information from her and could only come up with one. He didn’t want to frighten her, so he’d taken matters into his own hands.
“We don’t know that the cops aren’t involved, or WEST Protection. Zach only handed the wire cutters to Ledger.”
“You’re right.” Opal raked her fingers through her hair. “What you said makes a lot of sense. Who knows what the guys did with the information.”
Another flashlight beam crossed the field, highlighting the tips of the tall grass. Her gut clenched with terror. She couldn’timagine how scared Rainie must be. She couldn’t imagine losing her daughter.
She pushed to her feet. All four of the ladies did the same, waiting to step in and provide what she might be searching for.
“I’m going to make more coffee,” she announced to them.
“I’ll help.” Meadow wrapped an arm around Opal as they entered the house.
She didn’t take more than two steps toward the coffeemaker when her phone rang.
Stopping dead, she grabbed the device. When the unfamiliar number flashed on the screen, the blood drained out of her face. Her stomach hollowed.
“Give it to me!” Meadow grabbed the phone and accepted the call, putting it on speakerphone.
“H-hello?” Opal felt she might faint. Panic clawed at her insides.
“Greetings, Miss Vale. This is Eli Feldman.”
Her knees gave out. Two women grabbed her, holding her upright. She had to get a grip and speak to the man who had her child.
“Where is she? I want her back!”
“Ohh, don’t worry, Miss Vale. Rainie is doingjustfine. In fact, she’s having a great time.”
“Where is she? I’m coming to get her!”
“You want your daughter. I want your land. There’s a simple solution for us to both get what we want. You sign and she’s yours.”