Page 26 of All Your Pain
I hang my head in my hands as I try to figure out what to do. I keep telling myself I can’t stay here but everytime that annoying voice in my head taunts me. I have nothing. No money, no clothes, I don’t even know what Dean’s done with my things.
The times I’ve been left alone I’ve searched this entire room for anything to help me get out of here but so far I’ve found nothing. There’s plenty of places I can’t reach like the top of his closet or the highest shelves in the bathroom but I doubt I’ll find anything useful there anyway.
I’ve been planning an escape since I got here and now feels like my best chance to try to get out.
I grab a towel from the bathroom and wrap it around myself. With the cuffs on, it’s hardly like I can wear clothes but I don’t want to be running through the streets naked so this will have to do.
Then I shuffle to the closet and grab one of Dean’s boots. The toe cap feels like it’s steel and the whole thing is pretty heavy so hopefully it’ll be enough. I take it to the door and try the handle just in case but as I thought, it’s locked. There's only the one lock on the handle itself. If I can get that off then that’s one step closer to some sort of freedom.
It takes all my effort and way too much time but I finally manage to get the handle loose. Just one more hit and it’ll be broken.
My muscles ache from the strain as I put all my energy into it and finally the handle falls at my feet with a dull thud.
“No way! No freaking way!” I can't believe it actually worked.
With the boot in my hand, I head to where I think I remember the stairs being.
Luck must really be on my side today as I find them straight away. I awkwardly walk down them, trying not to trip with the chains around my ankles and manage to avoid breaking myneck. At the bottom I see the front door up ahead. Of course it’s locked but I use the boot on the handle again.
My arms start to burn as I keep smacking it over and over but this one doesn’t even budge.
I’ve no idea how long has passed and I’m quickly running out of options. I run to the closest room and try the window. Again it’s locked.They're all locked.
Abandoning the boot I pick up a nearby lamp and shield my eyes as I toss it at the glass.
It bounces off without even leaving a scratch.
“What the hell?”Is it reinforced glass?Being a killer probably comes with a lot of enemies so I wouldn’t be surprised if the windows are all bulletproof. This place really is built like a fortress.
I spin on the spot trying to find anything heavier to use when I hear the familiar rumble of a car engine outside.
“No! Not yet!”
Did it really take me that long to only get this far?
I hurry out of the room and am about to go back upstairs when I realize it’ll be obvious I tried to escape if the door is broken open.
Dean might actually kill me if he catches me.
Instead, I race through the house, as fast as the chains allow, to find the kitchen where I grab a knife from a drawer. My hand shakes as I look at the point of the blade.
I can’t use it. I can’t kill someone.
I feel like I’m about to be sick just from the thought of hurting another person. No, not just another person.Him.
Why do I feel like that? I should wish him all the pain in the world for what he’s done to me. Hopefully it won’t come to using it. He doesn’t know I don’t have it in me. I can just threaten him with it to let me leave. If I can just get to the street, surely someone will be able to help me.
The click of the lock startles me and I hurry to the door before he can lock it behind him. Dean’s eyes widen as he spots me.
“Move out of the way!” I quickly say, before Dean has a chance to do anything.
He looks down at the knife that I keep pointed straight at him but my arm won’t stop shaking and he smirks.
He tosses the paper bag onto the side table near me, seeing the pharmacy logo on the paper makes me feel bad that he actually went out to get me what I needed whilst I’ve been here trying to leave him.
No, I shouldn’t feel bad about that.I need to leave. I want to leave. None of this is okay!
“Move!” I say again. “Or I’ll have to hurt you.”