Page 6 of All Your Pain
I look away from him as a sob escapes and my tears start to come back. As he carries me the last few steps to the door, I focus on keeping my whereabouts. The outside of the house looks modern and when he opens the front door I find the inside matches. Everything is decorated in sterile white and light gray. Peak serial killer vibes. I wonder if he picked the colors out himself.What am I thinking?Domesticating him is probably just my brain's way of protecting me from everything so I don’t have a mental breakdown.
My body is trembling with adrenaline and I can feel my heart rate spike every time I think about what’s going to happen next.
“You don’t want to play, little kitten? You’re not fighting me anymore.” I ignore him as he unlocks a door just down the hall from the front door. The light inside comes on automatically revealing a narrow staircase down to the basement.
Cold panic laces through my veins. I try to struggle from his grip but his arms are so tight around me and his fingers dig painfully into my skin. With my wrists tied together I scratch at his face but he barely blinks.
“If you blind me with those claws, I might end up dropping you down the stairs,” he says calmly. I know he’s right but I don’t stop. Snapping my neck at the bottom of the fall would be better than whatever he’s got planned for me.
I keep fighting him and he sighs, "fine.” He loosens his grip on me and tosses me up into the air. I scream behind the tape as my stomach swoops from the movement but I’m only in the air for less than a second before I’m back in his arms. I cling tight to his chest digging my fingers into the fabric of his shirt as I press my face to his shoulder, the cool leather of his jacket soothing on my skin. His deep laugh rumbles through his chest and into mine.
“Bastard,”I mumble but the words are garbled. He must understand though because he laughs harder.
As we descend, I keep my eyes closed tight, then when I feel the ground start to even out I look up.
The basement is nothing more than that. A normal basement. Where I thought there’d be chains and torture equipment are just stacks of storage boxes and furniture draped in dust sheets pushed up close to the walls.
He carries me to a door on the other side of the room which he unlocks with his keys.
The room’s tiny, more like a storage closet than an actual room. Shelving units filled with cans of food and other essentials take up most of the space. I suppose if you’re a murderer youdon’t want to be showing your face in the grocery store every week.
He sits me down on the floor in the corner and looks around the space with a frown. “I’ve never had a house guest before. You’ll probably need some things,” he says, I think to himself more than me.
I’m not sure how to feel about being the only person he’s held prisoner here.
Does that mean he doesn’t normally go around abducting girls to abuse? He probably gets all the consensual sex he wants thanks to his good looks, then again he’s hardly got good people skills.
“I’m honored,” I mumble to myself sarcastically. He crouches down in front of me. I shrink back against the wall as he reaches out and in one quick motion he tears the tape off my lips.
“Ah motherfu–” I shout as my lips burn. I wet them with my tongue and the pain starts to dissolve into a mild tingle.
“Did that hurt?” he asks, staring at my mouth with an uncomfortable amount of interest.
“Go to hell,” I snap, avoiding his gaze as I try to look behind him. There’s not much room to get past him and with my limbs tied I’ve got even less of a chance.
“I’ll be back in a bit,” he says, leaving before I can even try anything.
“Shit!” I scream, after he locks the door behind him.
I’m so screwed.
When my captor comes back, he’s no longer wearing his jacket and it's like my eyes have a mind of their own as they take in the tight fit of his t-shirt and the way it stretches over his chest.
I notice the scars on his arms and my mind starts to conjure up all sorts of reasons for how he got them. Then I see the bucket in his hand. My stomach sinks knowing just what I’m meant to use it for. If he’s giving me any sort of amenities then he’s most likely not going to kill me tonight. That’s a good thing,right?
He sets it down in the corner, behind the door. “There’s a blanket and some water in it if you want it,” he shrugs as he stands there with his hands in his pockets. “What? I don’t get athank you?” he adds with a smirk as I glare at him.
“Screw you,” I hiss through my teeth and his smile widens.
“That’s the next part.”
My face falls as he steps towards me. I try to stand up, it’s difficult with the rope but I manage to hold onto one of the shelves and pull myself to my feet.
I start tossing anything I can grab at him. Most of the cans end up missing since it’s surprisingly difficult to do anything tied up like this but the ones that do hit he takes like I threw a marshmallow at him rather than solid metal. One gets him in the shoulder and he just stands there with his eyebrows raised and his arms crossed over his chest. “You done?”