Page 6 of Broken Pieces
“I did, thefirsttime. After the third watch it got boring.”
“Fine, I’ll pick something else,” I sigh, but Max holds the laptop out of reach.
“No, we’ll watch your movie. Didn’t you say she getswhatevershe wants tonight?” Max says gruffly to Maddox and my mouth goes dry.
Since when did he get so commanding?
My mind runs away with itself, as I imagine all the dirty things he could order me to do in that tone.
“Earth to Vi,” Maddox snaps me back to reality as he waves the bottle of vodka under my nose.
I quickly snatch it from him and take a huge swig, followed by a series of coughs as it burns my throat.
“Easy, girl,” he laughs, patting my back.
Taking the bottle back from me, he drinks from it like it’s water then relaxes back against the headboard and eyes me curiously.
I can’t tell what he’s thinking, but Max can and it mustn’t be good because he’s scowling at his brother.
I settle in between them, separating them so they don’t start an argument over something stupid and we watch the movie as we pass the bottle between us.
Soon enough, all the tension I’ve been holding in my muscles is gone and a warm buzz prickles my skin.
We talk about our days and avoid the topic of our future.
Our leaving date for college has been an ominous countdown hanging over our heads for the past year and none of us want to bring the reality to light.
“Any plans for tomorrow?” Max asks and I frown at him.
“What do you mean? It’s Saturday tomorrowandit’s my birthday.” Between my studying, Maddox’s work at the garage and Max’s baseball practice, we always find time for each other at the weekends. So I assumed we'd all be together tomorrow.
Max looks over my head at Maddox and I feel him tense next to me.
“I thought you two were going to hang out with me?” I say quietly, trying to hide the hurt in my voice.
“Sorry, Vi, I’ve got to work," Maddox says, his jaw tight as he refuses to meet my gaze.
I snap my head towards Max.
“Practice, sorry,” he says with indifference.
“Seriously? Tomorrow is the one day of the year neither of you could get free?”
I understand what they both do is important to them, but we always make time for each other when we need it.
Now that I think about it, they've been busy more and more recently.
“Let’s not argue. Drink up.” Maddox holds the almost empty vodka bottle out to me and I take it, downing the last few shots. My head feels fuzzy and it helps me forget what I was even mad about.
I lean back and the bottle slips from my fingers. "Oops," I giggle.
Max snatches the bottle from my lap and shouts, “For fuck's sake Mad, how much did you let her drink? She looks wasted.”
"I'm not her keeper. She's eighteen, brother, she can do whatever she wants now."
I feel hands on my face and when my blurry vision clears, I see Max’s face right in front of mine.
His soft lips just inches away.