Page 74 of Broken Pieces
“For fuck's sake, Mad!” I let go of Violet and she gasps for air as I round on him, getting up in his face.
“Don’t start anything, Max.” He looks down at Violet and I follow his gaze. She looks scared.Of me? For Mad?
This is all going so wrong.
Stormingout of the bedroom, I slam the door behind me. I should keep walking, leave for a bit and really cool off, but I linger outside the door listening to them.
“Why is he so upset?”
“He’s just struggling to process a lot of things right now. We both are. Vi, we thought we’d never see you again. Then we made all these plans to punish you for leaving us. We wanted to hurt you.”
“And now? Is that what you still want…to hurt me?”
“I…I can’t, the last thing I want to do is hurt you any more, baby.”
How can he be so soft with her?
She was planning on leaving again tonight and now she’s ruined our plans to keep her tied to us with a baby.
I thought she’d hate both of us after tonight. I was prepared for that, content with it even, as long as she ended up with us I didn't care how she would feel about it.
It seems that her and Mad have become closer than ever.
I’m different now, she’s seen my scars, touched them. I’m not the same as my twin anymore. He’s changed in his own ways, yet she's fine with that and not me. Violet's choosing him.
When I was younger I wanted to be different, to have my own identity that wasn’t linked to Mad, but I realized we were always meant to be two halves of the same person.
Now that long forgotten wish has come true and there’s no taking it back.
I’d give anything to go back to the night of the accident and stop all of this from happening.
What if they both try to leave me now?
She’s got the perfect twin at her beck and call. I know Mad would do anything for her.
The angry voice in my head tells me I have to stop them from leaving.
Without bothering to put any clothes on, I grab one of the aluminum bats from beside the front door and head outside.
The weight of the bat in my weaker arm is a hollow reminder of everything I’ve lost.
Ignoring the flare of pain in my shoulder as I raise it above my head, I slam it down onto the hood of Mad’s car.
The dull vibrations that shoot up the metal and into my arm only give me more incentive to keep going. I aim for the windows this time. Smashing the bat into them until glass flies everywhere.
“Max, what are you doing? Stop it!” Violet calls out from behind me. I ignore her and keep swinging until I feel sweat dripping down my back. Even when the pain becomes so bad that my ears ring because of it, I keep going.
“No, Maddox, let me go.”
“You’re going to get your feet cut up if you go over there. Leave him to it. Let him get it out of his system,” Mad says to Violet,but what the fuck does he know?
So much for our twin bond.
There’s no getting this rage out of my system, not whilst she still has any chance of escape.
If she gets her hands on the keys, she’ll be gone.