Page 136 of All Your Hate
In the corridor, Dmitri has Wynter pushed up against the wall, his leg between hers as he pins her in place.
He doesn’t get to fucking touch her.
I pull him off her and she quickly whips her dress to the side to pull her dagger out. Pointing it at Dmitri she sobs, “He doesn’t have her! Summer’s gone, Noah. She’s fucking gone.” Her control over her rage is slipping.
Grabbing her throat, I kiss her. There’s hardly time to calm her down with my cock in her throat so my tongue will have to do. She melts into me and all I want is to push her against the wall and fuck my claim onto her. Show Dmitri who she belongs to now.
“Noah,” he drawls out. “Your whore was trying to make a deal with me. Thought she could sell you out.”
I turn to him, and he pales when he sees my glare. “I know what you have over my father. It’s over now. You’re coming with us. We can walk out of here calmly or we can knock you out.”
“My men are here. They’ll kill you before I step foot outside.”
“If bymenyou mean the two guys whose throats I just slit then you’re fresh out of luck.” Dean saunters up and waves his blood-soaked knife in front of him.
“Carver. You’re here as well. I should have known. I’ve been meaning to get in contact with you. We could work very well together.” Dmitri's smug smile is still on his face, but it's starting to crack.
“Not interested. Can we get a move on with this now? I’ve got a hard-on from all that blood and only one little kitten can sort it out.”
I roll my eyes at him and he smirks at me. Finally, I understand his unhinged obsession with Willow. The way he doesn’t even want another person to know she exists let alone touch her. It all makes so much sense.
Pulling my gun out, I point it at Dmitri. “Move.”
Dmitri holds his hands up and Dean searches him for any weapons, taking his gun for himself before shoving him in the direction of the exit.
“You’re all dead if you touch me. You and everyone you love.”
Wynter laughs and holds her dagger to his back as she forces him down the hall, me and Dean following close behind. “We know you don’t really work for anyone. You’re just some washed-up gangster who gets everyone else to do your dirty work. You don’t have any real power, it’s all fake.”
Dmitri looks over his shoulder. Panic bulging his eyes.
“We know Vyronov’s dead. You’re telling tales about a dead man to get people to do what you want,” I say.
“You can’t possibly know that.”
“We’re good friends with his brother.” I push his shoulder to keep him moving.
From the look on Dmitri’s face and the lack of denial, he knows we have him.
“The cops will be raiding your place any minute now. All those girls will finally be free,” Wynter sneers. “But you. You’re going to know the fear you put them through.”
“Go on then. Fucking kill me. Get it over with,” Dmitri shouts as we head down the hall.
“No, we're not going to kill you. Not yet. My little viper wants you to know what it feels like to suffer.”
Dmitri laughs and turns to face us. “You going to rape me? Didn’t realize you swung that way.” Swearing at me in Russian, he spits at my feet.
“If you really knew me then you’d know I swing every way, except with pathetic worms like you,” I say as I step up to him and he slinks backward.
Wynter joins me and presses her dagger to his chest. “When my blade penetrates your skin you’re going to know exactly what every girl you forced into servitude went through. That searingpain as I tear into you will live with you until your last breath. When exactly that will be depends on how long your body and mind hold out.”
Fuck, my girl is magnificent when she’s in charge.
Dmitri's face is pale as he looks down at the dagger, but something catches his eye and a dark smile drags his lips up as he peers past us all.
I quickly look at what’s caught his attention and see my father being dragged in by two armed men. One of his eyes is swollen shut, blood dripping onto his white shirt.
“So good to finally see you tonight, Gregory,” Dmitri smirks. Wynter keeps her blade pressed to his chest as she keeps one eye on him and the other on my father.