Page 15 of All Your Hate
I’ve always made sure to keep an extra eye on him when we’re on jobs together since he’s likely to get hurt and not know it. He can’t feel pain and he seems to think that makes him invincible, but it’s the opposite.
“Bullet wounds hurt like a bitch.” I shrug as I peer down at her. Again she just looks confused. “You don’t know?”
“Know what?” She quickly stands up, but her eyes roll back and she falls back down into the chair.
“You don’t look so good.” Although she’s in the best place if she does pass out, I’d rather not have to get anyone else involved right now. “Let me get you something. I need to find the Doc anyway.”
Leaving her to it I go to find a vending machine. She’s probably just in shock and needs some sugar.
On my search I bump into Luka Vincent, just the doctor I was looking for. I gave him a call when I was on my way here and hegot everything sorted so no cops would be involved. He’s the one that always patches Dean and me up, no questions asked. I think that’s only because he doesn’t actually care to know the answers, not because he likes us. He’s a peculiar guy. All sunshine and rainbows to the general public and an absolute asshole when he’s hanging out with criminals like myself.
“Luka,” I grin at him and he rolls his eyes. Before he can walk away from me I loop my arm around his shoulders. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“I work here.”
Christ, he can’t take a joke.
“Seems like you got everything sorted for Dean.” I angle us towards the vending machines up ahead and buy some snacks for Willow.
He ducks out from under my arm and looks around. “You know it’s not the first time I’ve had to cover for him here.”
“How bad really is it?”
Straightening out his white lab coat, he says, “He’s in surgery, but he should pull through.”
I give him a few taps on the chest. “You've got a heart of gold in there…somewhere.”
“I just don’t have time to deal with you. Either of you.”
“Oh come on let me buy you a coffee to say thanks.” Pressing a couple buttons on the machine in front of me I buy him one then get a hot chocolate for Willow. She doesn't look like she’ll do well on coffee.
Holding the flimsy polystyrene cup out to Luka, he turns his nose up and starts walking away. “I’m good.”
"Could have said that before I bought the damn thing." It’s too hot, but I drink it anyway. The caffeine hit will do me good.
Hurrying after Luka I catch him as he turns the corner to where Willow sits with her head in her hands. “I didn’t realize hehad anyone other than you in his life,” Luka says as he stares at her.
“She’s a recent addition. Make sure she's not left hanging around for answers. She deserves to know when he’s okay.”
“Fine.” His easy answer surprises me. Guess he’s also got a soft spot for sad girls.
“Just wait here one more sec, I need to talk to you about something.”
“I don’t have time—” I’m already walking away before he can finish his sentence. I give Willow her snacks and she eyes me nervously. Is my girl going to be this timid? I hope not. As fun as it is to tease like this, it does get boring pretty quickly.
When I head back to Luka, the blank stare he gives me sends a chill through my bones. “Seriously, I don’t have any time for this. I’ve got my own business to deal with without having to look after the pair of you. Talk to Dean when he’s awake, try and knock some sense into that thick skull of his. He can’t keep doing this, he’s really going to get himself killed.”
I know more than anyone that he’s right. No matter how many times I’ve told Dean to be careful over the years he never listens. He’s reckless and toys with death like it’s an old friend.
“I’ll try. Look I’m gonna need a favor. I need you for a house call as soon as you can.”
“You may pay me, but that doesn't mean I can drop everything whenever you need something.” Luka shoves his hands into the pockets of his white coat as he glares at me.
“I’ll pay you whatever you want. I’m serious. Name your price. Ireallyneed this.” I'll beg him on my knees if that’s what it takes. He’s one of the two people I trust to know about my captive situation. One has a bullet in him, so Luka’s the only one who can check her over.
He searches my face and eventually, his stiff posture loosens ever so slightly. "Anything I need to know ahead of time?”
I could kiss him right now. Wonder if he’d let me or if he’d punch my lights out right in the middle of his hospital?