Page 90 of All Your Hate
“Cut the bullshit. Tell me what you want.”
“You’re the one that came to see me.”
My grip on my gun tightens and he raises a brow at it. With a sigh, I put it away. The two men lower theirs, but don’t take their hands off them.
“I want you out of my life. Stay away from my company and forget Wynter even exists.”
“Now why would I do that? I’ve spent a lot of time getting to know your father. Wynter on the other hand I unfortunately didn’t get the chance to get to know her how I would have liked.”
I’m so close to losing my composure. All I want is to pummel his face until he stops breathing, but I need to get back to Wynter in one piece. “Keep her name out of your fucking mouth. In fact keep it out of your head, Wynter no longer exists to you.”
Running a hand over his greasy blond hair, he rolls his eyes at me. “Relax. I’m not interested in her. I’ve got plenty of pussy here to keep me occupied. What I want is for you to keep doing what you’re doing.”
“And that means what exactly?”
He sighs and walks over to me with his hands in his pockets. Not an ounce of fear in him. “You seem like a smart man, that’s why you came here after all, isn’t it? You know whose name is on the deeds to this place.”
What the hell has my father got himself into?
“What do you want from him? Money? I can give you that.”
He laughs and taps my forehead. “You’re thinking too small. I want the entire city. Well, my boss does. I’m preparing it for his arrival and I want you on my side when he comes.”
“I’m never going to work with you.”
“You already are. You’ve been tidying up my loose ends for me.” He pauses as he waits for me to catch up.
The guards at the house. Grayson. He wanted them dead?
“Is it clicking into place yet?” He laughs. “The men you’ve killed knew too much. Letting the pair of you deal with them means I don’t have to waste my time gathering the rest of themfor execution. You can keep your little whore for as long as you work for me.”
“Why tell me any of this?”
“Because if you want your girl to keep breathing then you’ll do everything I tell you. I want your company, but I don’t want to run the damn thing. You can do that for me. I’ve already secured my place in it. I just need you to fill your father’s shoes and kill anyone that I need gone. No questions asked.”
He’s the secret investor?
“You’re taking over the company?”
“Yes and no. I need the business, but like I said I don’t want to be sat in meetings all day. That’s where you come in. You’ll give me any property I want, for free of course, and it’ll be your name on the deeds. ”
So I’ll take the fall if he’s ever arrested. That must be what he has over my father. How the hell did he get involved with someone like Dmitri in the first place?
“Why my family’s company?”
He grins at me. “It’s just convenient. Any other questions you plan to interrogate me with or can I get back to enjoying my day?”
I clench my fists harder so I don’t start a fight. I'm a dead man if I try anything here.
Turning his back to me, Dmitri goes to lounge in his chair again. “Noah. Think of Wynter as my gift to you. Keep killing that security team for me and anyone else I send your way and she’s yours. Then in the future when I need something from your company you’ll do that for me too.”
He’s got me fucking cornered. My father will be arrested if I go to the cops and if I say no now I’ll be dead. That leaves Wynter at his mercy. He knows she’s alive which means he knows where to find her. All I can do is what he says.
“Fine. I’ll do what you want. Just stay the fuck away from her. If you break your end of the deal I will find a way to end you for good.”
Like a shark sniffing out blood, he flashes his teeth at me. “Glad to do business with you.”
My body feels heavy as I walk back to my car. The memory of finding Wynter on the floor in Tommaso's room replays in my head. Now Goldilocks’ terrified eyes are also tugging at my conscience.