Page 24 of Midnight Roots
"I have work, too. We can both get up early. Spend the night with me." She yawns and turns on her side to face me. She looks beautiful, glistening with sweat from our workout, naked in bed next to me. I couldn't picture a more perfect sight.
I get up reluctantly. "Not yet. We're not there yet." I grab my boxers and pull them on. She sits up and hugs her knees, and I smile, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "We'll get there, I promise."
"I hope so. I like spending time with you. I hope you're not going to disappear on me again tomorrow," she says.
"No, I won't," I say. "Work should be fine tomorrow."
I stroke her face gently. "Sleep. I'll see you tomorrow at work."
She smiles and falls back into bed. "If you insist."
I gather my clothes and get dressed before I kiss her goodnight and leave, locking the door behind me.
On the drive home, I think about how beautiful she is, how perfect she is. Maybe it'stime I invite her over to the ranchhouse for a proper tour. She'll see she has a place in my simple life. We can be simple together. Humble together.
Perfect together.
Chapter Nineteen
Last night was even better than the first night, but I can't help but be disappointed that Heston didn't stay for the night. I don't understand what he meant by "not yet".
What are the requirements? What criteria do I have to meet?
It's Sunday, so I don't have a shift, but I want to see Cece. I want to ask her more about Heston since he won't open up to me. I mean, if she can get involved on his behalf, then surely she can get involved on mine? Also, I forgot that I didn't have a shift and told Heston I'd see him at work, so I'll just show up as a customer instead of an employee.
I have to go grocery shopping, though, and I want to get some more perfume to wear when I next see Heston. I saw a nice one in the beauty aisle at the supermarket.
I'll do that first and then see Cece about Heston.
I get up, shower, and get dressed before I gather my laundry and sheets and take everything down to the shared laundry room downstairs. It's early, so there's no one there. I only have one load to wash, so I set it onand go upstairs to get a book. By the time I'm back down, it's halfway done, but there's still no one else there.
I sit in the worn wicker chair in the corner and open my book to the page I left it on. Reading a horror book is my way of unwinding. When you don't have a television, you have a lot of time to catch up on reading, and second-hand shops become your best friend. I don't actually know if there is a second-hand shop in Ironhaven. I would need to check.
In what feels like no time, the old laundry machine gives a whine to let me knowit's done, so I transfer everything to the dryer and set it on for an hour. I sit back down and continue to read, though my mind keeps drifting to Heston and the compatibility we share. I set the book down and check the dryer. It's about two minutes from finishing, and everything is dry, so I take it out and put it back in the basket.
I carry the basket back upstairs and fold and pack everything away before I make the bed. Once I've tidied up, I scrounge through my fridge and find the new cherries and yogurt I've bought. I combine some cherries into the yogurt and sit down to eat it, looking out the window to the main road.
I need to get going if I'm going to get done in time to see Heston. I clean up, discard my rubbish and wash my spoon. I grab my clutch and keys and leave.
I go to the supermarket first and browse the perfume. I sample a few before I decide onone and put it in my cart. I then head to the groceries and get a few things for the house, including some cereal, fresh milk, and bread. Once I've paid, I grab my bags and carry them back to my apartment. I pack everything away before I leave again and walk to the diner.
Cece looks surprised to see me when I walk in.
"What's this? Trying to pull double time?" She smiles jokingly. "No, seriously. You got nothing better to do than come hang around here?"
"I didn't know how to let Heston know I wasn't working today," I admit shyly. "And he's coming to meet me here."
"Well, you know the rules. You sit, you eat." Cece says.
"Actually, will you join me?" I ask.
Cece looks surprised but nods. "Sure, let's go to the grill section. Martha," she calls the name. "Come handle the customers in the cafe."
I head to the grill side and sit next to Heston's usual spot. Cece comes to the counter. "What will it be?"
"Um, I will have Heston's usual and some extra fries for me and two glasses of orange juice instead of one," I say.