Page 6 of Midnight Roots
I walk in, and it's immediately cooler than the hot weather outside, which causes a sweaty sheen to form on my skin. I fan myself and look around. I wander the aisles, looking at the various prices. I pick up two tomatoes and an onion, and I find some discounted noodles that are about to expire. That's about a dollar fifty, and it'll satiate my growling stomach.
I head to the cash register, where a woman rings up my items and bags them. We don't speak until she gives me the total, which I fish out myclutch and count out beforehand to her. She finishes up and hands me the bag, and I leave again, heading straight back to my shabby little apartment.
I take out the one threadbare pot I own and sit it on the two-plate stove on the counter. I pour in some water and add the noodles. Once they're cooked, I drain them and put them in a chipped bowl before I fry up the onion and tomato and add the last of the packet of instant gravy. Once it's cooked through, I throw it on top of the noodles and grab my trusty fork. I am going to sit by the dirty window so I can look out at the alleyway and just make out the main street beyond it.
This is my new home. This is where I'm going to place some roots. I need to get to know folks who come to the catch and candle because I'm sure the friendlier I am, the better tips I'll get.
I'm going to have to practice my balance—like juggling plates and drinks so I don't break anything cause I'm sure that'll come out of my wages.
I'm nervous for tomorrow, and if I wasn't so damn hungry, I'm sure the stress would turn me off my pitiful meal. I finish the food and rinse off all my dishes, drying them and packing them away.
It's hot and muggy, so I decide to take a shower. I remember that brown-haired man in the Catch + Candle. He is also hot and muggy. Although I should probably keep thoughts like that to myself, he probably has a wife or something. I run the water, and the pipes shake in the wall before water starts spewing out of the shower head and into the bath. I get undressed and climb in, rinsing off my body. I lather up my body with a bar of soap and enjoy the smell of lavender that fills the air. The turmeric glycerinesoap is especially good for my dark skin, bringing out the glow from within. I scrub every inch of me. I'll probably have another shower before work tomorrow, but I want to be at my absolute best.
I need to find my trainers.Comfy shoesis what Cece said, and trainers are about as comfortable as I have, even if they're a little worn out. I shut the shower off and dry off my body. I look around, feeling content despite not having much. I don't have fancy face creams or expensive skin care stuff, but I have lotion, and while I rub it all over my body, I think about the man in the grill side of my new place of employment.
Chapter Six
Last night was good. I still have a night terror, but Tessa's cries soothed me. She could never imagine what she would be in for. I hitch myself into my truck in the morning and calmly drive toward town. Breakfast at the Catch + Candle sounds like a fine idea. Cece said she was replacing Tessa with someone new.
I hope it’s the girl I saw yesterday. I’m almost excited to find out.
I pull up to the Catch + Candle and throw my truck into park. I glance down at the passenger footwell and see a lipstick. It must have fallen out of Tessa's handbag. I pick it up, and when I get out, I throw it in the back of the truck. It can just live there until whenever.
I stroll through the front door, and I pause. A beautiful woman is standing behind the counter—it’s her.
She reminds me of my last happy thought.My last happy memory before my life went to hell was being at Mom's house. We made candy apples dipped in fresh caramel, reminiscent of her flawless skin. Her hair reminds me of the perfect intricacy of Mom's homemade baskets, where we kids would take the apples to the local old folks' home to brighten up their day.
I clear my throat and walk through to the grill section, having hesitated too long. Cece has done well in hiring this one. She's more beautiful than any woman I've seen before.
I sit my ass down in my usual spot and take my ball cap off, hanging it on my knee.
Cece comes over with a smile and sits down beside me. "How are things going?"
"Better than expected," I say calmly. "Who's the new girl?"
"I'll introduce you to her. She's new to the hospitality industry, so go easy on her," Cece pats my shoulder and walks behind the counter. She comes back with the new server and smiles. "Dillon, this is Heston, he's a regular. You make sure you treat him well."
"Yes, ma'am," Dillon says and takes out her notebook. "What can I get you for breakfast, Heston?"
"A breakfast burger with chips and a glass of orange juice will be nice." I decide to make it an easy order for her. She jots everything down and gives me a warm smile.
"I'll be right back with your order." She heads over to the kitchen side and hands up the order before she looks around for the orange juice.
Cece goes to her rescue and directs her to the fridge underneath the counter.
She gets a clean glass, rinses it out just in case and fills it with orange juice before she brings it to me. "Do you want a straw with that?"
"No, thank you," I say, taking the glass and sipping it.
She nods and hurries off to check on the cafe side.
Cece sits beside me and looks at me.
"Well, how is your day going?" I ask.
Cece starts to talk, telling me about having to train the new girl and worried she's going to break a lot of dishes. I listen attentively, nodding in all the right places. Really, my mind is on Dillon. She is beautiful, and her skin glistens in the heat despite the fans in the diner.