Page 11 of Ewing
The police came into the house from the windows and doors. There was nothing safe from the damage that they seemed to be wanting to create. They were dressed like he was some sort of drug dealer and might have some kind of army behind him. Even when they had him down on the floor,cuffing him and telling him his rights, he could hear Ewing laughing. What he could find so funny was beyond him, but there he was, laughing his ass off.
“Well, Tetters. Do you have anything to say about all this?” He said that he wanted his sister. “She’s not going to be able to help you if she even wanted to. I don’t think she likes you all that much. She’s the one that called us saying that you had led her son down a merry path, and that was why he was dead.”
He hated family. Especially his own and the Cross fuckers. All of them were a bunch of cock sucking bastards that were only out for themselves. At least he was honest about what he wanted and how he’d done it. He was out for himself, and everyone knew it. But family was sneaky. They’d get you in the back while they were hugging the stuffing out of you in the front. Or something like that.
Chapter 5
Trinity was having a good time with little Billy. He wasn’t all that responsive about her talking to him, and he slept a great deal, but he was a beautiful child, and when he made a noise, cooing her mother would have called it, he seemed as startled by the noise as she had been. And he had the most beautiful smile that she’d ever seen.
It took her four new diapers before she gave up and asked one of the faeries to show her how to do it. However, they only snapped their fingers, and not only was he cleaned up, but a fresh diaper was on his bottom, and the snaps on his sleeper, which she knew was going to cause her nightmares, were fixed. She thought that a great trick but it didn’t help her in figuring out how to put one on him.
“The instructions are on the box. I know that Lord Ewing had to refer to it several times when he was getting used to changing the little boy. He’s so beautiful, don’t you believe so?” She told Mae, one of the many nursery faeries, that she thought he was the best-looking baby in the world. “I believe you might be right.”
Mae told her that there were all kinds of things in the baby’s room that she didn’t understand. For the next twenty minutes, she showed her, after looking it up, what things were used for all the big and little things that were in the room. Trinity was surprised that Mae didn’t understand the mobile on the crib.
Once she wound it up and the music began to play, the little bees, five of them in bright colors, began their dance around the base. Mae was so in love with it that she said she was going to have one over her bed as well. Trinity was surprised to find out that the faeries that worked in the house lived there as well. Also, those who didn’t live and work there had homes of their own as well.
When Billy woke from his nap, she watched him stretch. It was the most amazing thing to see him crunch up like he did and then stretch out like he was a large cat or something that needed to make his muscles move around. Kissing him after picking him up, she knew that when he got older, he’d not like that as much. But for now, she was going to get anything and everything she could from him.
After he started getting cranky and needed another diaper change, she snuggled him up in his bed and watched as he fell asleep after his bottle. She wondered if he was getting enough to eat when he’d just doze off like he did. She decided to go to the office and look up on the computer about infants and their habits. Trinity thought that she should have done that earlier than after being here for a week.
She was startled out of her thoughts when Sunny showed up. “Don’t move.” She nodded and then asked if the baby was all right. “Yes, the faeries will watch over him. But I want you to stay right here until I tell you to move. To be honest, I don’t know exactly what is going on.”
Barely getting her first nod out, Sunny was gone. Trinity wanted desperately to go and check on Billy, he was all she could think about when Sunny returned. She asked if she could move, and when given the ok, she went to the office where his crib was and picked him up.
“I’d like to be mad at you for not explaining, but I’m afraid of you.” Sunny told her that normally she should be, but not today. “What’s going on?”
“Vance’s mother is out on the warpath. She had some information that she wanted Ewing to clear up for her. It was his name and the fact that he was a park ranger that had her coming here.” She asked why that had anything to do with her. “Nothing. But I didn’t know that when I came to you. She’s coming here because her brother told her that you and your husband, Ewing have been the ones that were blaming all this on her son. She thinks that you have it all wrong and came here to have you change your mind. Or she was going to change it for you. But I told her that she should be talking to her brother. That so far as anyone could tell, he was a person of interest in the murders that Vance seemed to have been involved in.”
“Oh. She couldn’t get in, you told me.” She said that it didn’t matter that she couldn’t get in but that she’d frighten the household, which would include the baby. And that would have caused her to die at her front door. “The faeries, you mean. They’d kill her.”
“Yes. Without a second thought as to what kind of trouble she was causing, they would see her as a threat, and that would be the end of her.” She didn’t see a problem with that if she was a threat, but Sunny would know best. “While I’m here, I would like to get a bit of your blood so that I can trace you if necessary. I have all the children’s, including Billy, but not yours. Not to say that I couldn’t find you if I needed to, but it would be easier if I could just simply go there and get you wherever you are.”
“All right. Is that the popping thing that Ewing was telling me about? He can do that, but I’ve not tried.” She said that she should try it and that it was exactly what she meant. “I don’t mind that at all. I should have a bit of the other’s blood as well. Us being bears, it would be a simple thing for me to be able to locate them as well. Not to mention talk to the others when I need to. As it is right now, because we’re mates, the only person that I can speak to is Ewing.”
“Good.” She put out her hand and with a sweep of Sunny’s hand, it was done. “I don’t really need your blood, but I do need a direct connection to you but most importantly, I needed your permission. We’ve touched before but I’ve never asked you if I can have the connection. It’s all about granting me the usage with my magic and balance. So? What are your plans for the day?”
“I’m going to go and get the kids when they’re out of school if Ewing isn’t back. He told me that the faeries had done a great job with what they were tasked to do, and he’s quite happy.” Sunny told her that they’d be devastated if they had heard otherwise. “I can see that. They seem to have very fragile emotions when it comes to compliments or bad news.”
“Yes. Mother told me once that it’s because they are so competitive. You have to admit that there are a great many of them and it would be hard to be able to find one that does a great job at something. Most of them do, anyway, do a great job, I mean. But they also like to please, so if they’re tasked with a job that has them picking up stones for whatever reason, they’ll pick until they nearly die from not resting or having anything to eat or drink. That’s why when you ask them for something, it’s best to make sure that you give them a limit on whatever it is. Also, a time frame. Measurements are a big help for them as well.” She said that she noticed that the little shed that she wanted wasn’t little. “I’m betting that it had all kinds of magic as well. Like if you need something that’s not in it, you only need to close the door and wish for it and it’ll be there. Yes, measurements are a huge help. Not always, but they do like to please.”
They decided to take Billy outdoors for a bit of sunshine. Trinity was still nervous, but right now, she was enjoying her time with her sister-in-law. She supposed they weren’t really related that way, but she knew that each of them considered the other to be a sister of their hearts because they were all that close.
The warm sun was lovely. Being able to see the other faeries at work, the flower faeries was amazing as well. If you looked hard enough, you could see thousands of them working and getting so much done. The flowers in their yard were beautiful because the little people loved the colors so much. Trinity had a good time just wandering around the yard and having a long conversation with Sunny.
Sunny was the only child of the queen of faeries. Actually, Sunny was the queen because her mother tricked her into taking the job from her. It was good timing, she’d been told that if she’d not taken the magic by then, Dexter and two of his brothers would have died. It was when a couple men, who died as well, blew up a mountain to get to whatever might have been inside of it.
“You remind me so much of Grannie. You’re very calm and don’t seem to have a lot going on in your head at any given moment. I have noticed that instead of thinking through the way a plan that you have for yourself, you think up and toss them out without requiring an answer from anyone. That’s wonderful.” She told Sunny that she wished that she’d had a chance to know the elderly couple. “You can ask anyone that lives around here, including most of the storefront owners, and they’ll have a story to tell you. How she helped them with their homework when they’d gotten behind. Baby sat their children so that a couple could have a few hours to themselves. She was great at steering peopleinto a better place without actually telling them that was what she was about. Grandda was like that, too, but he was much less vocal about it. But boy, oh boy, did they love one another. You could feel it from them by just being in the same room with them.”
“I’ve heard that they had a love of the century. Do you think that you love Dexter the way that they did?” Sunny blushed and said that she loved him more. “That’s so wonderful. I love Ewing.”
It was the first time she’d said it to someone else. That she did indeed love Ewing. He was her first thought in the morning when she opened her eyes and her last thought at bedtime when she closed them. And throughout the day, she’d think of him and get chills from just that. A single thought. His scent that would linger through a room that he only just left. He was her everything. Life, breath, and soul. She truly did love him.
“You’re thinking about him. I can see how surprised you are about something.” She told her that she had never felt like that before. “And you never will again. This kind of love, it’s the forever kind. And I do mean forever, by the way. I’m going to go with you to pick up the girls. Then they’ll be better about coming to my house when they see you and not just me picking them up.”
“You don’t have to do that.” She told her that she and Ewing needed this time alone, and they had to bond, too. “I know that it’ll make me stronger, but right now, all I can think about is it feels like I’m dumping five kids on you so I can get laid.”
Sunny laughed. “Six kids. I’m going to take Billy too. He’ll be no problem if that was what you were going to say. I have ten faeries to your one in my house. Not to mention, I have a great deal of magic, too, that I can use. We’ll take the kids to my house. You go home after that and get yourself in a sexy mood and jump Ewing’s bones as soon as he comes into the door.”