Page 11 of Balor
“Tell me what you need.”
I looked at the time and did some quick calculations. I’d have to check on Belladonna soon. “Everything you can dig up on the Coven of Eternal Night. There’s a witch locked in my house. She tried to trick me into making her my wife. I worry her coven will come for her.”
Osran was quiet for a moment. “I’ll see what I can find out. You might want to consider that she didn’t randomly show up. You’ve always believed in fate. Maybe it’s time to see if you can meet her halfway.”
“Are you saying she’s my fated mate?” How had he come to that conclusion so fast? It had taken me a minute to figure it out. Sure, I felt drawn to her, but why had that been his first thought?
“Could be. I’ll call when I have more information.”
I ended the call and headed back to my mansion. It was a short ride, and I parked the bike in the garage. When I entered the house, I noticed how quiet it was. I made my way to my bedroom to change clothes before I started searching for Belladonna.
Unease prickled my nape. I went room by room, checking the house. I’d seen the look in her eyes. She’d wanted to run. Had she left? I paused in the hallway. No. I’d have felt the power of my spell over the house dissolve, or at least tear long enough for her to slip through. And honestly, she wasn’t powerful enough. Now that I’d known what to expect, I’d locked the place down accordingly. I couldn’t afford another slipup.
When I stepped into the library, I saw her curled up on the couch, a book in her hands. She was sound asleep, her chest rising and falling in an even rhythm. How long had it been since I’d seen something so peaceful in my home?
I crossed the room and crouched in front of her. I gently lifted the book from her hands and set it on the table. Then I carefully scooped her into my arms and carried her to my room. I eased her down on the bed and pulled the covers up before brushing her hair back from her face. I hesitated, then leaned down to kiss her forehead.
I’d lived roughly two hundred years. Had never found my mate. Until now. And in the most unconventional way. A witch had broken through my wards, tricked me into bedding her, and now I’d do anything to keep her safe.
I stood by the bed, looking down at Belladonna’s sleeping form. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Two hundred years I’d been alive. Two hundred years of solitude. I hadn’t liked anyone enough to want them in my life for more than one night. Then Belladonna had shown up. Thrown my world into chaos. I pressed a hand to my chest. It ached, knowing I’d finally found my mate. In the most unconventional way possible.
Her hair fell across the pillow, the strands catching the light from the lamp on the nightstand. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I felt something deep inside me shift. I didn’t want her to leave. I wanted to see her in my bed every night. Coming home to her had been… nice. Her presence brought a warmth I hadn’t felt in a long time.
I took in the quietness of the room. The house. It had been silent for far too long. Belladonna comfort to the otherwise lonely existence I’d had for so long. As I stared at her, I knew I’d do whatever it took to keep her safe.
I left her to rest and went downstairs. Going to the living room, I walked over to the wet bar, opened the sliding door that hid it from the rest of the room, and poured myself a drink. I sipped at the amber liquid, wondering how much my life was about to change with Belladonna in my mansion. I had no idea what to do with her. I scrubbed a hand over my face. How was I supposed to walk in two worlds when I had someone living in my home? My secret would be exposed, and I wasn’t ready for that.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, and I glanced out the window. Dark clouds gathered, a storm brewing. In more ways than one. Whatever Belladonna had started, I had a feeling it was going to tear Darkwood apart.
I’d founded Darkwood over one hundred years ago, brought in trustworthy men to help me run things. They’d thought I was an eccentric billionaire who didn’t want his name attached to the town. All these years later, my secret was still safe. But for how much longer?
I wasn’t sure how to deal with Belladonna. Not as Balor. Not when everyone in town knew me as Luke. I’d have to talk to her, figure out what she knew. It still amazed me she’d been able to walk right up to my door. Most people couldn’t, unless I’d given them permission.
I’d crafted those warding spells myself. If she’d taken them down so easily, she had to be more powerful than I’d thought. Still not on my level by any means, but… It made me wonder about the Coven of Eternal Night. If they were as power hungry as I suspected, they’d come for her.
My magick wasn’t as strong as it had once been. Or more accurately, I was a bit rusty when it came to offensive spells. I hadn’t used them in a long-ass time. Now, I’d probably need help to take down the coven. But was it fair for me to ask the town to step up? Sure, this was their home too, but most of them had never fought a day in their lives. And the humans could get caught in the crossfire.
Chapter Four
The dark, gothic ambiance of the mansion suited the haunting tension in the air. Shadows flickered along the walls, and eerie shapes danced and swayed. Perfect home for a dark mage, and now a witch.
I stepped inside, closing the door behind me with a loud thud before locking it. Then for good measure, I placed my hand against it and sealed it with magick. No one would go in or out without my permission. My gaze landed on Belladonna, and I could tell she’d been crying. My thoughts felt chaotic. I wouldn’t push her away. Getting a mate was a gift, and I’d waited a long time for mine to come along. But that didn’t change the fact she’d put this town in danger by coming here and casting a spell on me. If she’d reached out, said she needed help, then we could have planned things together. Done it the right way.
“Let me ask you something. You came here knowing if you got pregnant, our child would be some supercharged witch or mage. Correct?”
She nodded and swallowed hard, her gaze darting away from me. I saw her reach out, but she fisted her hands at her sides before she could touch me.
“I didn’t know what else to do. You’re my only hope of getting free.”
“Was I only a pawn to you? A piece of the larger picture, but nothing more?”
She bit her lip. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say. You’re the only one I’ve ever heard of who could stand against my father. I don’t think you’re a monster or anything like that. I wasn’t going to keep the possibility of a baby a secret from you for any reason other than I didn’t think you’d want us, but you’re the only one who can help.”
“Because I’m worse than him?” I asked. How much did she really know about me? I knew my name had once been feared, but she didn’t seem old enough to have been around back then. I’d been quiet for close to a century.
“No! Because I think you’re a better man than anyone realizes,” she said.