Page 19 of Balor
I took a moment to mentally prepare myself. “While we’re away from the mansion, I need you to call me Luke,” I said. “You’ll understand soon enough.”
I’d already told her a little about my club brothers as we’d walked to the front doors. And I’d confessed that only she and two others in Darkwood knew I was Balor Hades. Although, she still didn’t understand why I’d hidden my identity. Or perhaps she did to some extent.
Belladonna nodded. “You’ll explain more soon?”
“Yes. It will be easier to show you than tell you.” I led her down the steps and let out a breath. “I’m still not convinced a ride on my motorcycle is the best idea, but I know you’re stubborn. If this is what you want, then we’ll just go slow.”
I’d never imagined the day would come I’d take a woman on a ride. I’d have to go make sure I didn’t hit any bumps too hard. Wouldn’t do to hurt her or the baby. My baby.
The motorcycle roared to life, and I swung my leg over the back. I’d never had a passenger, and it was going to take a lot of willpower to keep from speeding off. I’d always loved the thrill of going fast. But I had a feeling Belladonna wouldn’t appreciate it if I scared her. With her being pregnant, I didn’t want to do anything to upset her. I’d go slow and steady.
I held my hand out to her and helped her up behind me. Her arms wrapped around my waist, and I nearly forgot how to breathe. I felt her lean against my back and paused to savor the moment.
With a deep breath, I focused on the road ahead. It was time to take my woman to meet the guys. I only hoped they’d take the news well. I eased the bike down the driveway and out onto the road. I’d usually speed up as soon as I hit the asphalt. Instead, I checked the conditions of the road and slowly increased our speed. The purr of the engine filled the air. I hadn’t realized how much I’d enjoy having a woman clinging to my back during a ride.
Belladonna’s grip tightened. I took the long way to the clubhouse, wanting to see how she’d react. I could always slow down more if I needed. Each time I leaned into a curve, I heard her let out a breathy gasp. I wasn’t sure if she was scared or having a good time. I wanted to think the latter.
The road wound through the trees, and I checked the mirror to see Belladonna’s eyes wide, a smile curving her lips. She’d tilted her head back, and I could tell she was enjoying the ride. I pushed the throttle open, keeping our speed where it wouldn’t hurt her or the baby, but enough to give her a thrill.
Belladonna let out another gasp as we hit a straight stretch and I picked up speed. Her arms tightened around my waist again. I patted her leg, then turned my attention back to the road.
I’d never thought I’d enjoy having someone ride behind me. I’d never offered, and no one had asked. The feel of her body pressed to mine, her arms around me, made me want to find excuses to take her on another ride.I’d made her smile.
The trees began to thin, and the terrain changed. Open fields stretched on either side of the road, cattle grazing. Her arms tightened around me again, and I heard another gasp. I smiled. Yeah, she was enjoying herself. Her hands smoothed down my chest before she relaxed her hold. I felt her shift and checked the mirror again. Her smile had gotten bigger, and her eyes were wide as she took in the scenery.
Soon enough, we’d circle back to the town and enter from the opposite side from where we’d started. I’d watch for the plot of land I’d bought when I’d decided to build the clubhouse. When I’d first begun this venture, I hadn’t known what to expect. I’d wanted to keep the town safe and needed a way to blend in and not draw attention to myself as Balor Hades. It had never been about more.
I’d wanted to extend the ride, but I knew the longer I kept her out, the more danger we could be in. I didn’t sense anyone watching us, but that didn’t mean they weren’t. I’d been careful, but I wasn’t perfect. Someone could have slipped past my defenses.
I turned off the main road and went down a few back roads until we reached the clubhouse. I pulled up in front and cut the engine. Belladonna’s hands shook a little as she let go of me. I helped her off the bike and got to my feet.
The clubhouse door opened and I saw Jackson in the doorway, waiting for us. The look in Jackson’s eyes gave me pause. I had a feeling he’d discovered something about Belladonna or her coven that he hadn’t liked. My gaze took in the clubhouse at his back. The clubhouse was everything I’d wanted it to be. I knew it would be a while before Belladonna could call it home, but I’d make sure she felt comfortable here. It was the safest place, aside from my home. It had been built to withstand just about anything, and the walls kept out a lot of noise. Considering the club members, that was a good thing.
I stepped closer to Belladonna, watching Jackson’s gaze settle on her. I saw the suspicion in his eyes and felt my jaw clench. I’d thought Jackson would be the one to welcome us. I hadn’t expected him to be the first to question why we were here. Even though he hadn’t said anything yet, I could read his thoughts without using my ability. Just looking at him was enough to tell me he didn’t like Belladonna being here.
I watched the way Jackson’s gaze sharpened, and I knew he was still trying to figure out why I’d brought Belladonna to the clubhouse. I saw the tension in his shoulders. He didn’t trust her, and I didn’t know what to do to make him understand she wasn’t a threat. At least, not to us.
“Jackson,” I said, my voice steady.
“Luke,” he said, his gaze shifting to Belladonna again. “I see you brought the witch.”
“She has a name.”
Jackson’s lips tipped up. “I’m sure she does.”
I took a step closer. “Her name is Belladonna. You’ll treat her with respect.”
“I don’t have to like her.”
I felt Belladonna’s hand on my back. I turned, seeing the way her eyes widened as her gaze went over Jackson. I’d warned Belladonna to call me Luke while we were here. Now I needed to make sure she knew I’d protect her, no matter what.
“I’d appreciate it if you’d move out of the doorway so I can bring my woman inside.”
“Your woman? Are you sure?”
I turned, reaching for Belladonna’s hand. I saw the way it trembled as she placed it in mine. I pulled her closer. “My woman. Now, as I said, move.”
“Yes, Pres,” Jackson said, stepping aside. I saw the way his eyes moved over Belladonna again. I had a feeling I’d need to keep an eye on him. The necromancer could be unpredictable at times.