Page 57 of We'll Meet Again
“You’re a gem! We’ll be there as soon as we can! Thank you so, so much!”
Before Billie could say anything more, the line went dead. This threw the roughest of wrenches into her plans with Ethan. Who she realized she needed to call immediately and let him know she wouldn’t be available. Maybe it was for the best. Who knew what the pressure of the holiday might make them say?
He picked up on the first ring. “Hey, darlin’!”
Fuck, this was going to be harder than she thought. “Hi! Listen, I’m so sorry to do this, but -”
“What’s going on?” he asked.
She didn’t hear irritation or even disappointment in his voice. Just concern. Most men didn’t have such an unselfish reaction to being let down.
“My sister and her husband have an emergency, and I’ve just been stuck with the kids for the night. I’m afraid I’ve got to cancel our date.”
“Shoot, is everything alright?”
Again, not the slightest hint of anger.
“Her father-in-law had a heart attack,” she told him. “We don’t know how he is yet.”
He paused for a beat. “You need help with the kids?”
She blinked. “You don’t have to babysit with me.”
“Not what I asked, darlin’.”
She heaved another sigh. She would actually appreciate the help since Tessa was out for a movie screening with a couple of girlfriends who were celebrating singlehood today. But it seemed like an awful lot to ask of him. Then again, she wasn’t asking. He was offering. Like he always did.
“It would help to not be outnumbered, yes,” she admitted.
“I’ll be right over.”
True to his word, Ethan arrived even before the kids did. When she answered the door, he looked her over hungrily, his eyes darkening as he bit his lip. She hadn’t gotten to change out of the black bodycon dress she’d put on for their original plans, but it pleased her to know he found it attractive. She made a mental note to wear it again when they had their raincheck date.
“Hey,” he said.
“Thank you for coming,” she said. “Really, you didn't have to.”
“It was worth it just for the view.”
That made heat rush to her cheeks. She glanced at the floor, clearing her throat. “Come in, you.”
He stepped over the threshold and followed her into the flat. When the door swung shut, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her right into his chest, planting a sweet kiss on her lips. Even that was enough to make her feel weak. The power of Ethan’s kiss made her convinced he needed to be on a government watchlist or something. That mouth was a weapon of mass destruction.
“Had to get that out of the way,” he said when they parted. “Before the kids get here and I won’t have another chance.”
“Mhm,” she said, sighing.
Her eyelids fluttered as she took in a deep breath, trying to collect herself. He released her when there was another knock on the door, but she hesitated to leave his arms. He actually had to give her a small nudge. Stevie was there, Grace on her hip and Liam next to her, holding her hand.
“Hi, Auntie!” Liam said brightly.
“Jesus, Bills,” Stevie said, looking her up and down. “You didn’t have to get all dressed up for these two.”
“I didn’t - oh, never mind,” she said with a groan. “Hand them over, then.”
She reached for Grace, who whined at first at being separated from her mother, but quickly nuzzled right into Billie’s neck. Liam’s eyes suddenly went round as an owl’s and Stevie’s mouth dropped. Ethan had appeared behind Billie.