Page 17 of The Keeper and I
Laci came to a stop as her stomach dropped. “I don’t know about this, Jax. Aren’t I being the creepy one now?”
“No, he’s helped you before,” he replied as if it were obvious. “And he saidanytime. That means he’s willing to help you again.”
“I think that’s just an expression,” Laci said.
“There’s other people waiting as well,” he pointed out, and there were a handful of fans loitering around the exit, mostly with their kids eagerly awaiting autographs. “Loads of people ask for pictures and stuff.”
“I just think—”
“Lace, don’t think. We only need one shot to put this Dane guy off until we figure out another solution.”
“Like a restraining order,” Tate suggested as Britt nodded her agreement.
Laci took a deep breath. Asking for a photo seemed simple enough. The plan was to see if Jordan would pose with her while Jax took a photo and sent it to Dane. They agreed it was best for Laci not to acknowledge his messages to her. But now that she was there, it felt like too much. He had already helped her once. Was it right to keep imposing?
She didn’t have long to war with herself about it. Jordan came out, looking fresh, though much the same dressed in a black T-shirt, leather jacket, and dark jeans. Jax took Laci’s hand and dragged her closer.
“Jax, wait, I think we should—”
“Oi, Frawley!” Jax shouted.
Jordan turned his head and spotted Laci and Jax immediately. The color drained from her face as she looked at him, but Jordan seemed unfazed. He came to a stop and waited for Laci and her brother to approach.
“What’s up?” Jordan asked, glancing between them.
“Go on, Laci, tell him,” Jax said and nudged her in front of him. She shot him a scowl, which he ignored.
“Hi,” she said, her voice a couple octaves higher than usual as she looked at Jordan again. “Um…I don’t know if you remember me from the other night, but—”
“I told you,” he cut in. “No way I could forget you.”
Her cheeks warmed. She remembered him saying it, but she wasn’t sure what to make of it since he hadn’t made a move. Despite that, it was flattering to hear. Albeit a bit embarrassing in front of her big brother who would, no doubt, take the piss out of her later.
“Of course,” she said. “I, um…look, this is rather uncomfortable, but the guy from that night saw a photo of me at the match, and he’s called our bluff. Would you mind taking a quick photo with me to put him off a bit longer?”
Jordan narrowed his eyes. “That wee shite’s still bothering you?”
“Unfortunately. We’re trying to figure something else out, but for the moment, could you—”
“Sure,” he agreed. “No problem.”
“I reckon it’s best if we make it look candid,” Jax interjected. “Like I’m catching you finding each other.”
Jordan looked at him. “This one of your brothers?”
“I…” She blinked. He remembered? “Yes, he is. This is my older brother, Jax.”
Jax extended his hand. “Nice to meet you. Big fan.”
Jordan only grunted back as they shook hands, his narrowed eyes on Jax’s Chelsea shirt.
“Alright,” Jax said. “Laci, you’re the professional, how do we make this convincing?”
“Uh…” She considered it for a moment. “Okay, Jax, stand a ways back, and we’ll just hug.” She looked at Jordan. “Is that alright?”
“Fine by me,” he said and set his bag down.
Jax took several large steps backward and raised his phone. Laci shifted on her feet. She’d taken a million photos and posed with plenty of models, but she’d never been this nervous. Maybe it was because she was attracted to Jordan in a way she’d never felt with another model. Maybe it was the pressure to make it appear real. Maybe it was that being near him brought forth that nagging feeling she knew him from somewhere else. Whatever the case, his voice brought her out of her thoughts.