Page 46 of The Keeper and I
“I, uh…” His brain scrambled for what a boyfriend should say in this scenario. “I didn’t realize so many other people had seen them.”
Laci looked at him, wide-eyed. “You can’t see them. In the final product, that is. We only had to be topless for the shoot.”
“Trust me, Jordan,” Fernando said with a shake of his head. “From one model boyfriend to another, other people are gonna see some stuff, might as well get over it now.”
“Oi,” Astrid said, swatting his arm and wiggling her left hand in his face, her engagement ring glittering. “You’ve been promoted from boyfriend, remember?”
“Of course, baby, how could I forget?”
They kissed through their sickening smiles, and Jordan resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He disguised any further disgust by taking a sip of his beer. Laci nudged him, and he bent down to put his ear closer to her mouth.
“Was that a cock up?” she whispered.
“Fuck if I know.”
“I feel like it was.”
“No one’s asking questions, so I think we’re good.”
She paused to chew her lip. “You really never talk about Ava with them?”
“Fuck off,” he returned playfully, and she laughed into her drink.
The rest of the evening went smoother. They had their story nailed down, so any general questions, they were able to give almost identical answers though Laci had warned Jordan not to sound overly rehearsed—whatever the fuck that meant.
When the sun was fully set, Coach Warren came in from the garden and clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention.
“Alright, lads,” he said like it was a pre-match pep talk. “The time has come. We’ve been prepping, planning, and working hard. It’s gonna be a night for the books. Let’s get out there and make it our best Guy Fawkes Night yet!”
They gathered their drinks and started for the back door. Jordan looked around, prepared to take Laci’s hand and lead her outside with him to watch the display, but she was nowhere to be found. He scanned the room twice to be sure.
She wasn’t there.
He watched the others trickle out to the garden and hung back while they chattered. When the room was empty, he glanced around once more, but still saw no sign of Laci.
Before he let himself panic, he walked into the hall. Perhaps she was in the loo. But it was vacant—the door stood open, and the light was switched off.
Maybe she needed a fresh drink. So he proceeded to the kitchen. But the area was similarly empty. His heart rate quickened with anger.Fucking Peter,he thought.
Should he call out for her? He didn’t want to worry anyone else even if sirens were blaring inside his head. Taking a breath to steady himself, he did one last sweep of the first floor.
He’d never been to the second level of Coach Warren’s house. So he stood at the bottom of the stairs, glaring up, warring with himself. Should he go up and search through the hosts’ private rooms and risk the humiliation of being caught? Or should he go outside and look like an irresponsible boyfriend by asking for help?
He started to turn toward the back door when a pre-teen boy walked into his line of sight. Jordan whistled, and the boy turned his head. Jordan recognized him as one of Coach Warren’s sons from one of the photos on the coach’s desk.
“Have you seen a girl up there?” Jordan asked.
“A blonde girl?” the boy returned.
“In a pink dress?”
“Yeah, she went into Mum and Dad’s room.”