Page 67 of The Keeper and I
“Hm, wouldn’t you like to know?”
He growled quietly against her skin and pressed his beard into her neck, tickling her. She let out a squeal of a giggle, struggling against him to no avail. She lost her balance and they toppled onto the bed together. He spooned her when they landed, but his grip was loose, so she was able to wiggle around to face him. She held his gaze.
“What was the dream?” she asked again.
He groaned and rolled on top of her, claiming her lips in a searing kiss. As his mouth worked hers, she reached up to thread her fingers through his curls. She could hardly breathe from the intensity of it. Or maybe it was his weight. She didn’t care. All that mattered, all that existed, was Jordan’s kiss.
Her eyes were closed, but she saw something. Jordan, and yet, it wasn’t Jordan.
He was kissing her, but she wasn’t in her leggings and his hoodie. His hands were clamoring with layers of skirts. They weren’t on a bed, but against a wall, fiddles were playing faintly in another room. Not enough to drown out the moan she released into his mouth. Then he pulled away.
She caught her breath while staring into his eyes as her chest heaved.
“Did you see it?” he whispered.
She nodded. “Yes, but what does it mean?”
“Jordan! Laci!” Her mother's voice echoed from the landing before he could offer an answer. “Lunch is ready! I know you’ve got to get back to town, so no dawdling!”
Jordan cleared his throat. “We should head down.”
She couldn’t believe his suggestion, but she didn’t want to argue again. “Alright.”
He helped her off the bed. Laci went over to the dresser, where she picked up a small box. He shot her a quizzical look.
“It’s the jewelry from the gala,” she explained. “I thought I’d give it to Mum before we go. It’s best to keep it here, I think.”
Jordan’s face shifted like a light bulb had gone off over his head as his eyes locked on the box.
“Don’t tell me that’s got you seeing things now,” she said.
“No, it reminded me of something…” He shook his head. “It’s not important. Let's go have lunch.”
Pam adored the jewels, but Laci couldn’t stop thinking about all that had taken place over the holiday like the voices, the strange visions, and how she and Jordan had gotten closer. As if Dane hadn’t made her life enough of a horror movie, now her parents’ house was possessed? For the first time, she wasn’t gutted to be saying goodbye.
“Do come see us again soon,” her mother said after a lengthy hug. “We’ve so enjoyed having you.”
“Both of you,” her father said as he shook Jordan’s hand.
“Thank you for including me in your holiday,” Jordan said politely.
“Happy you could join us, dear,” Pam replied, engulfing him in a hug.
“You’re welcome anytime,” Gene added.
Laci went to her father and held him close. All of it had exhausted her, but she always found refuge in her father’s arms. He kissed the top of her head.
“I’m so happy for you, darling girl,” he whispered. “You’ve found a wonderful man.”
She looked over at Jordan saying goodbye to her brothers, signing to Tate that it was good to see him again. “I really have.”
It would have made her happier if she wasn’t certain Jordan was not interested in being with her. As it was, it only broke her heart. But she didn’t let on in front of her parents.
Jordan led her to the car, and as they drove off, she waved to her family out the window. When they were out of sight, she relaxed into the passenger seat.
“Well, that place is fucking haunted,” Jordan said.
She nodded. “So haunted.”