Page 124 of Covert Mission
“What did you do?”
Gulp. “I’m not exactly sure. I haven’t been told.”
This is the complete truth. No one has told me.
He seethes through the phone. “How did you fuck this up? They had to have a reason.”
My brain throbs. This is awful. If I was really fired because of Lucas, I’m never going to forgive myself. “I’ll find out.”
“You’ve got one hour.”
I blink. “One hour, sir? What if they don’t call me back?”
“You’ve got one hour. That’s sixty minutes. If you really are fired, get your ass on a plane back to D.C. for a debrief.”
I have no idea what to say. And it doesn’t matter anyway because he hangs up.
I drop the phone on my lap with my heart lurching. This is it. The last nail in the coffin of everything I’ve worked for.
It’s a fine time for my father’s words to bubble up and join the party of self-recrimination.
You’re nothing but a useless whore. Get used to being dirt because you’re no better than your mama.
White-hot anger surges inside my gut, making my face blaze with heat.
I can’t give up. I bolt upright and dial Ralph’s number again.
Come on, Ralph, answer!
Every ring is agonizing. I count to six. Why isn’t his voicemail…
“Who the hell is this?”
I grab the center console. “Ralph, it’s Camile.”
“You! Why are you calling me from this number?”
“It’s a long story. Ralph, I have to talk to you. I can’t lose this job.”
He has no idea why. But it doesn’t matter. I can’t just walk away.
“You already did. Should have thought about that before you dropped your panties for some POS, dick-swinger.”
God. Belle was right.
And did he saydick-swinger?
Maybe Ralph really was cock-blocked. “It’s not what you think.”
“Oh really. Care to elaborate about what you and soldier boy were up to that had you moaning like a porn star?”
I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with my boss, a supposed professional. “Ralph. My personal life is not your business.”
“Camile,” he bellows. “You’re on a mission. When you’re on my dime, you have NO personal life! Now I’ve got to go. And one more thing. Don’t ever call me again.”
Oh no!