Page 144 of Covert Mission
I shuck off my clothes and climb into the shower. The whole time I wash my body I’m in a dreamy haze. It’s wonderful. An escape. Like last night when he was driving me mad, pushing me to the edge of pleasure.
My brain better come back online, I’m gonna need it.
Thankfully, by the time I’m out of the shower, I’m half coherent.
After dressing in clean clothes, I tuck my notes in my pocket and head for the door. At least when I look at Lucas, I won’t burst into flames…
I hope.
I’m grinning like an idiot when I step out the door into the tropical sunshine. A breeze carries the fresh scents of the jungle, warm and earthy.
It’s a beautiful day. Or maybe it’s my rose-colored lenses.
I feel so much better knowing that the town is now in recovery mode, too. All the buildings were cleared. No one is missing.
Barefoot, I stride from one stepping stone to the next, following the sound of voices down the path toward Truck’scabina.
But when I get there, the door is open and it’s quiet inside.
I stick my head through the open doorway. “Lucas?”
The bed is made. The chairs are by the table. There’s a candy bar wrapper on the table next to an open water bottle.
I walk back outside and look around.
I catch another murmur of voices. Following the sound, I continue on the path of round stepping stones. They are warm from the sun.
When I reach the little blue building, I turn right on the path following the sound.
I’m smiling when I step around the corner.
But I freeze when I realize there’s a man and woman embracing.
Oh, my god.
Not just any man…Lucas.
With a dark-haired, beautiful woman.
His nose is pressed to the top of her silky black hair, just like he holds me.
My boss’s voice in Lucas’s truck invades my mind.“Let me guess, that pretty Middle Eastern gal? I hope so, about fucking time you got your head out of your ass.”
Could this be the woman he was talking about?
I’ve had a lot of shocks in my life, but this rocks me. Of all the places to see my former teammate, this is the last place I expected to find her. “What are you doinghere?”
Not only am I shocked. I’m paralyzed by guilt.
Nyx pulls back from our hug and smiles up at me. “Marshall said you needed more help. I thought it was time I did something productive.”
Not only is Nyx here… she’s here to work.
When I don’t speak, she does. “It’s so good to see you, Beast. You look… a little ragged. When was the last time you shaved?”