Page 150 of Covert Mission
Camile stands up and goes to the door. The only reason I let her open it is because I can see Belle through the open window.
When the door swings inward, her former co-worker rushes in. “Thank god you’re safe. Girl, I was worried sick about you!” She grabs Camile, hugging her fiercely.
Then the woman looks at me over Camile’s shoulder. “I knew you were the man to find her.”
Camile’s expression is tense when she steps back.
Belle’s eyes harden. “I came to tell you that Brian and Pembrook are loading the truck, it looks like Tom is all buddy-buddy with them. I’m flying home.”
Camile’s eyes widen. “You are?”
“I quit. I’m done. I don’t want to be involved in whatever shady business is going on. And Tom is a grade-A jackass.”
Interesting that she thinks something is going on. “What kind of shady business?”
Belle looks unsure when she glances at Camile. “Can I speak openly?”
“It’s okay, you can tell him anything.”
“There’s something up with those two crates. I’ve worked with the company for a few years, and I’ve picked up on some strange conversations over the years. I just don’t like it, and the way Ralph acted over the crates confirmed my suspicion. There’s some kind of illegal activity going on.”
Camile stiffens, but she plays it off well enough. “Did you guys open them?”
“Oh, no. That guy that got rough with you loaded them up and roared out of here like his tail was on fire.”
I ask, “How long ago?”
“Pretty much as soon as you two left. So, yesterday morning sometime?”
I let out a huff. My unease grows. Twenty-four hours is a long damn time for something like that to be in the wind.
Camile is worrying her bottom lip with her teeth. “Would you have any idea where he went?”
Belle shakes her head. “I was with Justice, we were looking for you in some of the surrounding villages.”
I decide to take the lead in this conversation. “Belle, you know that Agile does a lot of work with the government and international agencies, we might be able to put some energy into this if you think it’s a crime.”
The woman’s face tightens. “Oh, I think there’s a crime. I just don’t know what.”
Camile’s hand flutters to her throat, with every minute that passes she’s getting edgier.
I ask Belle, “Would you be able to ask your coworkers about the crates before you leave?”
She looks uncomfortable, but she nods. “I need to do it fast because I’m getting a ride with the Italian Earthquake team. They’re taking me to Carollia to the airport.”
As she turns to the door, I reach for it and hold it open for her. “I’d appreciate that. Let me know what you find before you go. And Belle, take Justice with you, just so he’s close by in case anything goes wrong.”
She gives us both a nod as she draws in a big breath. “I’ll be back.”
I can feel Camile’s gaze boring a fiery hole in me as I close the door.
When I turn around, she’s fisting her hair with both hands. “Oh, my god! What did you just do?”
“Used a valuable resource.”
Jabbing her finger toward the door, Camile pretty much yells at me, “She’s an innocent woman! You just put her in danger.”