Page 154 of Covert Mission
I look down and pull away.
Wired tight. His team. With the woman.
The ache that comes after those thoughts hurts far worse than anything I’ve felt in years… maybe ever.
My hands are shaky as I take a seat at the table.
Lucas opens the door and whistles. A few seconds later Scout is back, striding through the door.
He glances between us, wearing a frown. “See? This is why I don’t get involved with women. Complicated. I just don’t have any patience for lover’s quarrels.”
Lucas punches him in the arm. “That was an intelligent, mature discussion between a man and a woman. As the man who avoids women like he does shrapnel, it’s something you clearly have no experience with.”
Neither do I… because if I did, I’d just tell Lucas what I saw. But I’m not ready to find out the truth of what that’s about.
Scout gives his head a shake. “Anyway, we have another piece of intel.”
I drop my elbows to my knees and lean forward. “Evan messaged me about this a bit ago. He reminded me that when we interrogated that guy, he was babbling like a brook in springtime. None of it made sense, until now.”
Camile sits forward. “What?”
Scout, tapping on his computer keys, looks up at her. “Camile, he was rambling on and on about real estate.”
She looks between us with a crease between her brows. “What does that mean to the case?”
“Think about it, sweetheart… the kind of money that went missing could easily be used to buy real estate in a country like Vandemora.”
It’s easy to see numbers running through her head. “For what purpose?”
Scout sits back in his chair. “They’re probably buying up land and making small improvements, or false improvements. Dividing the land and reselling it. Marketing it to Americans as vacation property or for investments. I’ve seen it happen before. There’s big money in it.”
Pieces are falling into place inside my head at the same time they are for Camile.
She speaks softly. “Real estate.I never imagined anything like that. Did he say anything else?”
“He was babbling about someone named Grobin.”
She jolts, and her mouth slowly drops open. “Wow. Okay now. This is good. That’s the last name of the guy who had my position before me. Did he say where he was now?”
“Just that he had to go to a meeting with him. He couldn’t stick around talking to us anymore. Like he had a choice, but this guy was almost sweating about the meeting more than having the two of us threatening to break his arms.”
Camile scrambles for her own laptop. There’s excitement in her voice. “They’re both here. It’s all here in Vandemora.”
We’re soon looking at the tracking icon on Scout’s computer.
There’s a blinking icon on the screen surrounded by a maze of streets. “This dot is his truck. All day today it’s been at this building. I did some digging and found a YouTube drive through video of Carollia. I got lucky and they went right by this place. I did a screen grab and got the name on the sign. This afternoon, I’m going to dig into the court records to find out if this is a legitimate business.”
Camile leans in closer to the screen as the video plays. “Impressive. That’s really resourceful.”
When she leans back, I grab her hand, lacing our fingers together. “We’re going in tonight and digging through their office.”
Camile’s brows draw together more. “Who’s we?”
“You and me, babe. You’ll wanna bring that fancy little camera.”
Scout deadpans as he closes his computer. “This should be fun.”