Page 175 of Covert Mission
He dissolves into laughter. It’s warm, and deep, rumbling through him as he pushes into me.
The laughter trails off into his soft groan. “Fuck, Camile. You’re mine. Home, that’s what you are.”
Something I never thought I’d have. Now I know all it took was one man to change everything.
We should be leaving. Instead, I pull Camile into my lap on the edge of the bed. “Sit while we talk.”
“Are you sure any conversation will actually happen like this? I have a feeling you might be using code speak or something.”
“I can behave for a few minutes, and I know you wanted to talk about last night. I’d rather do it with you in my arms.”
She snakes an arm behind me and around my waist. “I like the sound of that, too. I’m sorry I didn’t think of it first. We could have done this before we put our clothes on.”
I chuckle. “Then we would be really late to our meeting with the team. I like you in my shirt by the way.”
“I need some clothes that don’t have FamFind logos on them.”
“I’ll take you shopping when we can get to the city.”
That makes a grin appear. She lays her head against my shoulder. “I’d like that. Now, as much as I’d like to forget about FamFind and Ralph’s existence after he had his hands around my throat, tell me what happened last night. What did you find?”
“Plenty to have them locked up. And that’s before the assault and attempted kidnapping charges he’ll have. You were right. The guy you replaced was involved. As was that guy that showed up looking for the crates. Of course, the guy Tom they sent to take over was also involved. And clearly Ralph is a key player.”
“Nighthawk suspected some of them, but there were so many new people popping up, I wasn’t sure how deep and wide this fraud went.”
I let my hand glide up the smooth bare skin of her thigh. “There are others. But from what I can tell, Ralph and Tom were the masterminds. The others are people in FamFind’s accounting office, from what I can tell. That’s how all that cash was moved around.”
“Did you find any actual cash?”
“There was a large safe in the building. It was locked and bolted to the floor. I’d have blown the door, but I didn’t have any explosives on me. I’m sure that’s what the police will find when they crack it open.”
She shudders, the corners of her frown deepening. “God, what a mess. Just think about all that money that was being spent illegally. I’m so glad the board caught on and hired PCI.”
“They were going to get caught, sooner or later. They were reckless. The fact that Ralph thought he could get you involved…”
I have to stop because the idea of Ralph trying to seduce her and get her tangled up in his shit makes my temples throb.
Camile’s eyes grow worried.
A rumble forms in my throat. After I shake my head, I continue. “Ralph is an asshole that’s lucky to be alive right now. Anyway, they bought a shit load of real estate. Some of it’s still up on the market from what I can tell. They had printouts of listings and marketing material lying on the desk.”
Camile sits up and pulls back from me. “Wait. Does that mean that FamFind will own that real estate and be able to sell it?”
“I’d guess so. I have images of all the records on your spy camera, and grabbed some of the files. They’re in my pack. The police have already gone to the office this morning to secure the location so nothing is removed.”
She nods, her eyes narrowing. I can see her cogs turning. “So, FamFind might actually come out ahead if the land values have gone up.”
I love her brain. “That’s right, sweetheart. It could be possible to recover some or all of the lost money. Or maybe they could do something good with the land.”
Her eyes soften and she kisses my lips. It’s a fast kiss. “Beast, you made that possible. I don’t know if I would have gotten access to that business like you did. The scary part is there might have been someone waiting there to intercept me if I did break in. I owe the success of the mission to you and your team.”
I pull her back into my hold and press my forehead against hers. “You did the hard work. Giving them six months of your life to get inside. I still don’t like thinking about you doing that, it could have been dangerous.”
Her sigh dances over my skin. “I don’t really want to go undercover like that again.”