Page 47 of Covert Mission
But then I remember I’m angry.
I have a big problem. Six-feet-plus big.
Without Belle going along with my idea, I won’t be able to convince Brian and Pembrook. Without them to share watch duty with me, I’m screwed.
I drop my head in my hands because it’s going to explode. If not from the laser beams that Beast is pounding me with, then from the thought of being inside four walls in the darkness with the man.
I don’t know if I can take it.
I want to hate him.
I don’t want to think he’s hot.
I definitely don’t want to think about the body he’s got under those badass, tactical cargo pants.
I groan roughly. “Somebody please wake me up from this nightmare.”
Belle pats my back. “Let go a little.”
“I can’t.”
“You should have a drink.”
I sigh. It’s a tired, pathetic, frustrated sound. “I don’t drink.”
“Maybe Beast Mode will share some tequila with you. One of those little ladies that visited with me said the local drink that’s made near here is the key to happiness.”
I lift my head and look at Belle. “Was she happy?”
I shake my head. “I don’t need delirious. I need food. I need a shower. I need?—”
“Did someone say food?” Justice strides into the tent wearing a big smile. It would probably measure in the mega-watt range.
But more important is the question—how did he hear us? I’ve got to be careful what I say around these guys. If one of them hears what I’m thinking, I’m running for the jungle, rebels or not.
Beast’s folded arms uncross, and he takes the bulging paper bag Justice passes him. “What’d you find?”
“The jackpot! Outside town, there’s a little place that makes tamales and other really good-smelling shit.”
There’s a rumble from Beast. “Mmmm. Now that’s good news.”
Justice places the rest of the overloaded bags on the table. “I got enough for everyone, including Belle, Camile, and their guys. But there’s some bad news as well.”
“Yeah?” Beast asks, cranking up his focus.
“The rebels seem to be regrouping. A few of them were milling around at an old, dilapidated farm just past the edge of town. I suspect they might be coming back after dark.”
A shiver dances over my skin even though the heat is still almost unbearable. “What should we do?” I ask.
Beast taps his thumb to his ring finger. As he does, he steps out of earshot and starts talking. The thumb tap on his ring must be how he activates his secret coms gear to talk to his team.
I like it. Stealthy. From the looks of their clothes, boots, and the fancy communications tech, they must be working for some well-paying client or company.
“Let’s wrap this up, ladies,” Justice says as he circles his finger in the air. “Time to retreat for the night. Lock up your box truck so the extra supplies don’t get stolen.”
“Oh boy.” Belle jumps out of her chair. “Where are we going?”