Page 104 of Stealth Mission
I’m so hot and confused, I could topple over.
Before I can open my mouth and utter a sound, Peter stalks back into the jail. He points a finger at Evan. “You’re free to go.”
Scout stands up and extends a hand. “I don’t know what you did, but I like the way you work.”
I’m still staring as they shake hands, not sure I heard Peter right. “He’s free to go, without bail, without anything?”
He nods. “Willometa owed me a favor.”
Evan’s laugh is low at first, then it builds to a loud, deep rumble. “Holy fuck. I don’t know what kind of favor that is, but all I’ve got to say is, thank you.”
My grandfather’s cousin takes a few steps toward the cell. He reaches across the threshold and takes Evan’s hand. “Welcome to Karma. I didn’t say that when I met you before.”
Something solemn passes between them. Nerves of a different kind fill my belly. I don’t understand what’s happening.
Peter’s intervention is greatly appreciated but adds to my confusion.
Turning to look at me, Peter’s eyes soften. “Marianna, why don’t you wait outside while I talk to these gentlemen?”
That stings. Hard.
“I see.” I start to leave, but can’t get my feet to move. “I just have to ask, is this because I’m a woman?”
The lines around his eyes crinkle as he offers a gentle smile. “No, my dear, now you sound like my lovely Elsa. This isn’t because you’re a beautiful young woman. This is because I don’t want you worrying any more than you already are. I know how hard your life is right now.”
Well, damn. That takes my steam away. Not that I had much steam left. I’m spent from this yo-yo ride.
A warm hand wraps around my arm. I find Evan looking down at me possessively. “Thanks for breaking me out.”
He tugs me against his chest.
I can’t stop myself from melting into his warm, strong embrace.
When he sets me back, he squeezes my shoulders gently with both hands, the calluses on his palms scratching softly against my skin.
“I’ll meet you outside.”
Swaying, I blow a strand of hair out of my face. “My leg is starting to hurt. Maybe I shouldn’t have crawled under the desk.”
Evan’s expression turns thunderous. “I was worried about you hurting yourself today. Go on outside, but please, for the love of god, stay out of trouble. Give me a minute, then I’ll drive you home. This time, hopefully without any bombs, wrecks, or cops.”
When I step away from him, everyone is quiet, but I can feel their eyes on me as I go.
I cannot explain why, but hearing him say that word shook me.
When I exit the jail, I lean against the wall. The plaster is warm from the sun, but the shadow from the overhang blocks the sun. All seems peaceful in Karma for the moment.
I blow out a breath and close my eyes as I try to figure out what the warm liquid feeling is inside my bones.
It’s new. And I’m afraid it’s all because of one gorgeous man that seems to make me forget who I am.
A sharp whistle breaks my thoughts.
It’s not hard to find the source.