Page 118 of Stealth Mission
When he’s done, I’m boneless, and he’s more intense than ever.
“I take this seriously. Everything about your safety, I take seriously.”
I stare up into his face, more confused, more attracted. “What are you doing to me, Evan?”
He rests his cheek against mine. In a rough whisper, he says, “Stealing your heart.”
I almost fly off the bed.
But he’s pinning me down with his delicious weight.
All I can do is fight the way my lungs are suddenly locked up and the way a pain shoots through me, tightening my throat.
No. It can’t happen. He can’t have my heart.
I’m too panicked to reply as he captures both of my hands and brings them up to lay beside my head. His strong fingers lace between mine.
“Ready for me?”
“Yeah.” My traitorous mouth says.
I’ll never be really ready for Evan. How can you be prepared to have your heart crushed?
He slides forward, and I groan as his heavily engorged cock pushes deep inside of me. Greed makes me latch my heels around his thighs, pulling him even tighter.
“That’smybeautiful girl, take what you need,” he murmurs hotly against my ear as he begins to thrust deeply.
Chapter Forty-Two
The night sounds outside the farmhouse are peaceful. They’re familiar now. After spending a couple of nights outside Marianna’s house keeping an eye on her, I am starting to recognize the frogs and insects.
Definitely different than those back in Alabama.
But the sounds inside her house are what’s made my chest feel like it’s going to rupture.
A long strand of silky hair slips between my fingers as I listen to the slow rhythm of her breathing.
The world has ceased to exist.
But I have to fight hard to keep my mind from wandering.
What-ifs. All the problems the road ahead could hold.
I learned well in my time in the Teams, keeping your focus on here and now can save your life.
And my life has never been more precarious than it is right now.
This woman might be the thing that delivers the final blow.
Vulnerability fucking sucks.
I swallow roughly.
That demon was supposed to have died a long time ago. How wrong I was.
Marianna stirs, nuzzling closer to me. I wrap my arm across her back, pulling the blanket up around her shoulder. Craving to hold her so tight that she becomes a part of me.
“Mmm. Evan?”