Page 131 of Stealth Mission
“Don’t worry. I’ll be like a monkey on his back.”
She’s already glued to my side. It’s easy to imagine that this world is scary as fuck to her. But I’m proud of her. She’s holding up well.
As we start to move toward the edge of the forest, a familiar tension sets up in my body. I know how to do this. I’ve done it hundreds of times. The hum of adrenaline is the best fucking buzz. This time, amplified by the fact that Marianna’s with us.
She’s safe. I’ve got her. She’s with us. The team has her.
I reach back and squeeze her hand.
I’ve almost convinced myself everything will be fine until one of Vik’s men screams.
Chapter Forty-Eight
When a blood curdling scream tears through the darkness, I’m hit with a jolt of adrenaline that stands every hair on end from my crown to my toes.
Oh my god. Someone is dying.
Evan grabs my arm, his grip biting as he holds me close to him. “Shhhh.”
Is that keening whimper coming from me?
Shoving my gloved fist into my mouth is the only way to stop the sound.
I know what the term scared to death means now. My body isn’t made for this. My heart apparently agrees because it’s trying to break out of my chest.
But Evan is locked on, scanning the darkness with that eerie stillness that I now understand is from his training. His guys are the same. Machines. Emotionless. Stoically scanning the darkness through those special goggles.
I didn’t even realize that they were moving, or I was moving. I don’t know how it happened, but quickly they have me in a knot between the three of them.
More screaming. Grunting sounds come from ahead in the forest.
I bury my face in Evan’s back, pressing my face against his black T-shirt.Please make it stop.
I don’t know how long we stand clustered together. Too long. Forever.
Sucking wind, I promise every higher being that exists I will never, ever go in the woods at night again.
Scout says something in a low voice. Evan and Justice both reply, but it’s all too quiet for me to hear.
They all tense at the sound of footfalls. Heavy. Crashing through the trees. My breath freezes in my lungs as my pulse goes wild.
Why aren’t we running?
Evan and Scout train their weapons in the direction of the noise. Justice is still facing the way we came. None of them are moving.
But Evan’s muscles vibrate against my forehead when he calls out. “Identify yourself!”
In surprisingly perfect English, Vik’s man whispers, “It’s me, Gregor. Rory was caught in a snare, he’s hanging in a tree and badly injured.”
Fear clogs up my veins, chugging through plumbing, making my hands and feet go cold.
Evan mutters and shakes his head. “Fuck. I don’t like this.”
After cursing in Russian, Gregor flips back to English. “One of our men will stay with him, the rest of us are moving on. Be careful. The trap was very well hidden.”
As soon as the man stops talking, we’re in motion.
My legs are noodles with wooden blocks where my feet used to be.