Page 134 of Stealth Mission
With a little grin she points at her eyes with two fingers then points toward the building.
“Yes, ma’am.” I chuckle with my heart thumping as I rest my cheek against my rifle and look through the scope.
I know without a doubt, I’m going to get scars from this woman. She’s crawled right into my heart and made me want something I shouldn’t. Things I don’t deserve.
Fuck, Evan. You’re digging your own grave.Giving myself a mental shake, I exhale and focus.
What I see through my scope makes my jaw tighten and the hairs on my nape stand on end.
Four small black sedans are pulling through the gate. Each one is just like the getaway car from the bank heist. Four exact copies of the same car. But that’s not it. They are just like the one Scout and I chased.
This makes no fucking sense.
I cue up my mic to contact Vik. “Arrowhead, this is Overwatch. Do you copy? Over.”
“Arrowhead. Go ahead. Over.”
“Four cars just arrived through the East gate. Unknown number of occupants. Over.”
“Copy. Arrowhead out. Over.”
The cars park in a row along the exterior of the large metal garage.
My coms gear picks up incoming communication. “This is Scout to Storm, over. Do you see the cars? One of those has to be the car we saw MZ in when we were in Carollia. Over.”
“Storm here. Roger that. Over.”
Marianna starts muttering next to me, then she grabs my arm, squeezing my wrist tightly. “Wait! Look…that’s Cornelia!”
When I shift my scope right, I focus on a blond head of hair. She’s just gotten out of a car and is looking around. “Storm to Scout. Can you see the woman? Over.”
“Copy. Is that MZ? Over.”
I turn to Marianna. “M, are you absolutely sure that’s Cornelia?”
Pressing her lips in determination, she squints through the scope. “It looks like her…” She hums and shifts her scope. “I don’t know. It’s really far and hard to tell for sure. It could just be a resemblance.”
“Overwatch this is JT. Even if it’s just a look-alike, we need to move to extract. We can’t take a chance. We need to move. Over.”
Justice is right. We can’t take a chance of dropping the ball on our mission now that we possibly have her in sight.
“Copy. Over.”
I cue my mic again. “Arrowhead, this is Overwatch. Do you read? Over.”
Vik grumbles through his radio. “Arrowhead here. We’re through fence. You jerks talk too much. Over.”
“Arrowhead, requesting that your team extract the woman that just arrived. Over.”
There’s a pause. “Arrowhead here. What the fuck for? Over.”
“This is Overwatch. Remember the photo I showed you? Over.”
He grunts, then Vik commands his men in Russian in a short, terse exchange.
When he comes back on the line, he says, “Arrowhead, to Overwatch. Order given. Get ready. Things are about to get messy. Over.”
I have to give Vik’s team credit. They’re fast and very effective. Not a single shot is fired. They enter the compound like shadows and the entire place is plunged into darkness.