Page 14 of Stealth Mission
Her eyes flare, then she presses her lips flat. “Probably best if you don’t.”
The host walks right up, inserting himself into our personal space. Assessing me with a slow up and down, his calculating appraisal supports my earlier intuition about the man—something’s off.
“Thank you for coming, Mr. Goodlove. Everyone has been talking about your gallant efforts this morning.”
I thought my ears were burning. “No hero here. But thanks for the invite. Quite the party.”
My appreciation is genuine. I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be. Marianna’s here, and a party is the perfect place to see if I can get some intel. But I’ll keep both of those facts to myself.
The mayor takes a drink from a highball glass and sucks his teeth. “We like our parties.”
No shit. This isn’t a party. It’s a gala. At least that’s the fanciest word I can think of right now with my limited vocabulary of places people get dressed to the nines, eat lobster, and wear dresses that cost more than some people make in a year.
So, yeah. It’s quite the shindig.
“Lots of fancy cars in the driveway. Who are all these people?”
This makes him puff up with pride. “These people are the who's who of Central America.”
“Well, looks like I’m lucky to have an invite to rub elbows with this crowd.”
He’s glowing now.
“For example…” He motions toward a square-built older man at the edge of the dance floor. “That’s the president of Colvol Oil. He’s talking to the wealthiest man in the country.”
A man who is clearly shitfaced and having to be held up by a woman.
“Looks like he’s having a big night, whoever he is.”
“Why yes, he’s comfortable enough here to let it all hang out, but I’m sure you’ll understand that privacy is part of being in this crowd.”
I put on a grin. It won’t take me long to find out who his friend is even if the mayor isn’t talking. “Right, I can understand. Don’t want anyone’s drunken antics being a smudge on their reputation.”
“That is why my parties are exclusive.” His nose lifts on the last word.
Except he invited an unknown into the midst. My spidey senses are going bonkers.
His face turns sour as he nurses his drink. Marianna doesn’t look any happier.
Lots of things about Karma and this scene don’t add up. After having spent the last week in a tiny village that was devastated by an earthquake makes this feel like a different planet—not an hour down the road.
I lean and shift my weight, letting my hands fall to my sides. “Didn’t realize there was so much wealth in Vandemora.”
“You just have to hang around the right people. Our country is very desirable for…certainthings.”
I already know there’s a very active band of armed rebels from the time our team spent in Santa Rosa.
I put on a friendly smile and a gosh-darn tone. “What kind of things you got going on here, Mayor?”
“More than meets the eye.”
Marianna makes a small choking sound. “Sorry, um, I swallowed a bug.”
The mayor takes a drink and watches me over the rim. After swallowing, he flatly remarks, “We like interesting people, that’s why I invited you.”