Page 38 of Stealth Mission
An awkward silence follows. We both are very familiar with my story. Know why this is more than me having responsibilities, I have trust issues.
I press my fingers into my eyes, and blow out a breath that I’ve been holding. “So… I’m just going to fantasize about him. I’m not sure why I even had to call and tell you this.”
“Good. You fantasize all you want.” Her tone hardens. “And let him help you out while he’s around.”
“You’re not talking about mending fences are you?”
“Mending something…” She laughs softly. “By the way, Queen of Agave-land, how is the farm?”
On to safer subjects, my stomach muscles relax a fraction.
“It’s… a lot. But if I get the loan I mentioned to you last week, then I can finish the product launch in America and you’llbe able to buy DonAzule Tequila in your neighborhood bar one day.”
She inhales swiftly. “You’re really going to do it? This is the best news ever!”
“It was my grandfather’s dream. Without the launch, this will always just be a small, local Vandemora business. And with profits the way they are, that’s not really enough money to keep the farm going.”
I bite my lip, hating to admit this part. “This is it, Mellie. My one chance…I have to do it for Grandad. Or I’ll have to sell the place. The numbers just don’t add up any more.”
Her reply is instant. “I believe in you.”
“Thanks, friend. I just hope the bank does, I’m supposed to find out today. I hope. Yesterday got a little messed up when the bank got robbed. They said they were going to be closed for the rest of the day.”
A door creaks open on her end, signaling she’s back at her apartment in Solana Beach, California. “Have the dangerous one go with you to meet the banker. He can crack some necks or do whatever dark superheroes do.”
“If only. No, this is all on me. I’m the captain of this ship and if it goes down, I’m going down alone.”
“So morbid. We really need to talk about this issue.”
A flicker of light catches my attention across the field. The sun is blinding me. I straighten and hold my hand above my brow.
Who is that?
“Hey, Mellie, listen, I’m sorry, I need to go. Someone’s driving across the field and they shouldn’t be there.”
Chapter Sixteen
The first slug of coffee hits my veins like a welcome drug. Sleep would be my preferred option, but I can’t. Not with the two women on my mind.
Now that I have the lights—which I haven’t paid for yet because the hardware store was closed after the quake—I need to go back to Marianna’s place.
I also need to find the guy I talked to because I never found him once the second quake hit and the store employees had to do a massive clean-up.
But a shower and change of clothes was in order to do all the above.
Sleep will have to wait.
I scrub my hand over my hair and water flies in every direction. Picking up the hotel coffee mug, I make my way into the bedroom to stand in front of the air conditioner spread eagle as my skin dries.
The window has a decent view of the street. But no one can see me. Watching the passing traffic, I dial Beast and set the phone on the windowsill with it on speaker.
“Mr. Goodlove, what’s up?” There’s an undertone of humor in his words. “How was that fancy party?”
I chuckle darkly. “A blast.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Fucking car bomb.”