Page 59 of Stealth Mission
I’ve never felt possessed.It’s thrilling and terrifying.I love it.
“Yes, yes. I love your hands on me.”
Every demanding thrust of his tongue makes the heat inside me pulse.
The way he’s controlling me. The raging heat coming off his body. All of it is perfect.
“Please, don’t stop touching me.”
“Not a chance.”
With a growl deep in his chest, Walt grinds his cock against me, hands molding me. Handling me like a man who knows how to please.
A man that knows what he wants.
I’m filled with the thrill of danger.It’s alarming and exciting, and completely foreign. Like I could take flight.
He lets me gasp for air, then with shaking hands draws me to him again, pausing with his forehead against mine.
A drop of sweat from his brow crosses my cheek.
“I’m barely in control here, Mari…”
I lean forward this time.
I’ve never done anything so brash, so incredibly wild and reckless in my life. There’s a rushing sound in my ears. Every nerve cell is acutely alive. Nothing outside this truck exists.
Just us.
Only his breath filling my lungs as I bite his lower lip between my teeth.
Chapter Twenty-Two
No woman’s touch has ever driven me insane. The power of that bite could light a city block. “God, You don’t know what that does to me.”
Blindly reaching over, I shove the center console up. That’s what we need—a nice big space for me to get her beneath me.
When I tip Marianna back onto the truck seat her breath catches.
I swing around, lowering my body on top of her. Miraculously avoiding the horn this time.
A part of my brain wonders at how we got here. The other part of me knows. Our chemistry is uncharted. A wild fragile thing with no boundaries.
As I brush my thumbs along her cheeks, we breathe raggedly.
Everything slows. Unspoken hunger pulsing between us.
The fevered pace morphing into something profoundly more intense.
Nothing but this.
Right here.
Right now.
One breath at a time.
I feel her. Deeply.Something is happening in recesses of my soul that was decimated long ago.